Chapter 2

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"Gimme!" The voice of a little girl yelled from outside Ally's room. 

Ally shot up in her bed. "Crystal!" She moaned. "Do you have to yell right outside my door?" 

Crystal opened the door slightly. Ally could only see her small hand and half of her face peeking into her room. She went over to Ally's bed, with every step her blond curls and red cheeks bounced up and down. 

"Kenny won't give me my baby doll!" Crystal explained. 

"What should we do to him?" Ally asked as she yawned and sat up. 

"Kill him!" Crystal said. 

"Later." Ally said, shooing her away. 

As her sister ran out of the room, she heard her yelling to their Dad, something about killing Kenny. 

Ally took her time with selecting her outfit and hat. When she had finished putting on some olive green shorts, a white T-shirt, and her red converse (of course,) she made her way down stairs. On the way, she found Crystal chasing Kenny around with a plastic golf club. Ally's eyes widened at the sight of a five year old trying to kill her ten year old brother. 

It wasn't actually that abnormal. 

"Hey dad?" Ally asked as she rounded the corner and entered the kitchen. 

"What?" He responded as he kept his eyes fixed on the newspaper article he was reading. 

"Yesterday Mom let me go to that coffee shop." She explained. "And I was wondering if I could go down there again? It's a good way to start the morning in my opinion." 

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead." He said waving her off. 

So out the door she went, before he could change his mind. "Won't be gone long!" She yelled as she closed the front door. 


"Shit! Shit! Shit!" one of the only workers in the  shop said under his breath while rushing to clean up a smoothie mess. 

"Frankie?" Ally said as she noticed him. 

"Ally!" He said walking over to her and giving her a bone crushing hug.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked as the corner of her lips turned up. 

"I work here now!" He explained, enthusiasm in his voice.

"But, you were working at the grocery store down the street?" She asked with a confused voice. 

"Between you and me," he whispered as he leaned closer to her, "I got fired." He said the last bit in a normal volume. 

She laughed. "Do you make the drinks?" 

"Nah I just clean up." He explained lowering his head, but it shot back up as the manger walked by, and an ear to ear smile appeared in his face. "I can't talk." He whispered. "She's watching." He said, why still keeping his smile. 

"I'm going to order now, good luck buddy." Ally said, saluting him. 

Her and Frank had been friends since grade-school. He knew her better than anyone else. She didn't have any other friends really, anyone else was just an acquaintance. So they were great friends. 

"I'll have a hot chocolate." She said to the man at the register.  

He gave her her drink, and she sat down. She looked around the room. Not many people were there. There was Frank, cleaning up the floor around a table, some older couple and one other guy. He sat in the corner of the room. He wore glasses, a grey sweatshirt and jeans.

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