Chapter 1: Lost

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" Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."
                                -Henry David Thoreau

Your eyes shot open, your chest heaved, and your body ached. Your mind was fuzzy as your body shook from an unknown force that was pulsing through your blood. Your head was throbbing in pain and confusion, and on reaction, your hand made its way up to rub your forehead, trying to get any relief from the terrible headache.

"What happened?" Your voice was hoarse as it scratched It's way out of your throat. Your eyes began to take in your different surroundings, widening in surprise at the change of environment.

A Forest.

You were in a Forest.

The trees were taller than any skyscraper you'd ever seen, and they all had white bark, each tree with different colored leaves. Blue, pink, purple, ect. The air  was  filled with the scent of honey and you brought your hand down from your head, the once powerful pounding was now a dull ache. The grass you sat upon was emerald green and soft as silk. Your fingers ran through it with ease and you almost forgot that you didn't belong here.


How did you even get here? The last thing you remember was falling. Endless falling, and then a hard, painful landing. You weren't from this place, that much you knew for sure. You were from a small town in Wyoming, and the last time you checked the year was 2018.

Was someone playing a prank on you? Did you sleepwalk out to the middle of nowhere?

You let out a confused sigh as you pushed yourself onto your feet, and ran a hand through your (h/l), (h/c) hair, dusting off dirt from your ripped skinny jeans.

"Where am I?" You wondered out loud, taking in your surroundings once again, still a little dazed.

Suddenly the peace of the forrest was interrupted by a loud rustling, coming from somewhere close to you.

Your head whipped to the side as you tried to follow the increasing noise, body now on full alert.

"Hello?" Your soft voice cried out. "Is anyone there?"

The rustling continued to grow louder, and that's when the panic set in.

You ran.

You ran as fast as your legs would carry you. You didn't know why exactly you ran, the feeling of dread that had so suddenly set upon you when you heard that noise was enough to keep your feet moving at a fast rate.

You pushed your way through the tree's colorful branches, but the noise began to grow louder with every step you took.

So many thought were running through your mind, at that moment. What was chasing you? Why was it chasing you? Where were you? How did you get here?

Your body was suddenly dragged to the ground and a scream ripped out of your throat as your ankle was dragged backwards and you lost your balance. While you fell, the thing holding you ankle, turned you. You landed on your back with a loud thud.

A groan of pain escaped your chapped lips and your head was spinning.

A loud roar echoed through your ears and your eyes shot up to the snarling creature above you.
It's body was like that of a man, except two times bigger, and it had only one eye, right in the center of it's head. A grotesque smile was rested on its face as it licked its lips. It's teeth were rotted and drool was pouring out of its mouth and dripping onto your blue tee shirt. It's brutish hands were holding onto your thighs with a crushing grip as it pulled you closer to its unhinging jaws.

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