Chapter 3: Magic

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"Magic lies in challenging what seems impossible."
                 -Carol Moseley Braun

The castle was huge. The stone it was built with was a light gray color. Multiple banners, with a drawing of a lion hung from every outside corner of the massive stone structure. The banners themselves were red, while the lions and tassels were a golden color that caught the sunlight brilliantly.

You gulped and nervously looked at your hands, your body jerking harshly as the carriage you rode in bumped along the stone pathway to the castle.

A chuckle resounded from opposite you.

"There's no need for you to worry lady Y/N, the princes of this kingdom are welcoming."

Your blue eyes trailed to the king, who's purple eyes were attached to a book he held in his hands. You shook your head and allowed your fingers to play with the smooth fabric of your dress.

The dress you wore was white and made of a soft silky material that shined brightly. The neckline dipped below your collar bone, showing just enough skin to leave something to the imagination. The sleeves were long and flowy, not at all constricting your body uncomfortably. The bodess was made in a corset-like fashion, but not as constricting, just enough to accent your curves.

You decided to allow your (h/l), (h/c) hair do whatever it wanted, leaving it down and natural.

"You look very nice, lady (Y/N)." the king stated, glancing at your nervous state.

Your face began to heat up at his flattery.

"Do you really think this Namjoon guy can send me home?" you asked quietly.

Taehyung sighed and placed the book down on the velvet seat beside him.

"I can almost guarantee it." He stated with a smile as he crossed his arms. "Namjoon is one of the oldest and wisest sorcerers to ever dwell in the four kingdoms. If there is a way to send you home, he will find it."

You nodded your head once again, turning to look out the window of the carriage.

"What about the other guy? Hoseok? Will he be at this meeting?"

Taehyung's purple gaze hardened on you.

"Heed my warning lady y/n, stay away from Hoseok and Prince Yoongi. Their land is cursed with darkness and misfortune that follows them wherever they go."

You glanced back to the handsome king in front of you.

"Why is their land cursed?"

Taehyung sighed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Long ago, when this land was new, the four kingdoms were divided equally to the four wisest and kind men, each of whom became king. For a long while, the kingdoms were prosperous and were joined together in harmony and peacefulness," Taehyung paused and glanced out the window. "Until, the king of the Dragon Realm discovered handsome wealth below his castle. The Lion King grew jealous of his companion's new found wealth and sent in a spy to infiltrate the castle."

You listened intently, hanging on to every word.

"The Dragon King found the spy and took it as an act of war. The war raged for almost two hundred years, and by the third year, the Dragon King had build a wall around the entirety of his kingdom, sealing all of his citizens in and all outsiders out. One day, the Lion King took ill." Taehyung sighed. "As he lay on his death bed, he called for a sorcerer of dark magic to place a curse upon the Dragon Kingdom, forcing it to be a barren wasteland until the pride of the King breaks and the wall is destroyed."

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