Chapter 22: Escape

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"I can't just escape my thoughts."
                               -Edgar Allen Poe

You released a heavy sigh, leaning your head back against the stone walls of the prison, your thoughts swimming violently in your head. Hunger was beginning to take a toll on you, as you constantly found your eyes drooping shut in exhaustion.

You could hear the soft snores of the men coming from the other cells, each of them falling asleep. It was probably for the best. You could see the sun beginning to rise over the horizon, you knew it wouldn't be too long before the guards came and dragged you to your death.

You had run out of tears.

You were too exhausted to cry anymore.

You accepted your fate.

You moved your blue eyes up to the barred window, wanting to watch one last sunrise before your life was taken from you.

You began to think of your mother. You wondered what she was doing right now. If she was cooking breakfast for your father, if she was looking for you, if she was even still alive.

You bit your lip in irritation.

This was all Yoongi's fault. He betrayed you, he lied to you, he knew how much you trusted him and he took advantage of that.

But you still couldn't hate him.

How could you?

Even if he treated you like dirt, and pushed you around, he cared. That was the one constant thing about Yoongi he always cared.

"I can fake a smile, I can pretend to be happy, I can do almost anything but I can't pretend that I don't love you. You don't have to love me back, just know that I'm going to continue to give you my heart, all of it because no matter what happens, I will always love you."

You groaned in frustration.

Were you just stupid? Why couldn't you see that he had feelings for you?

Maybe because he ruined your life.

"What is wrong with me?" You wondered out loud.

The loud sound of the door being pushed open, caused your body to jump slightly in fright, your eyes snapping over to your cell door.

Running footsteps and loud voices filled the prison, causing your eyebrows to shoot up in confusion.


Yoongi was suddenly infront of your cell door, his chest heaving as he pushed the key into the lock and shoved the door open.

Your eyes widened as you watched him run towards you, his hands grabbing your ankle roughly.

"What are you doing?! Let go of me!" You shouted as you began to squirm under his tight grip.

"Y/n, stop! I'm getting you out of here!" He yelled, finally managing to unlock the shackle from your ankle.

You stared at him, mouth ajar and eyes widened in shock.

"What?" You breathed.

Yoongi stood up, his arms wrapping underneath your arms in an attempt to pull you up.

"I don't have time to explain, just trust me."

You shook your head , your heart pounding loudly from the adrenaline.

"How can I trust you?! You lied to me!"

Yoongi stopped pulling at your arm, his orange eyes softening as they took in your form. Your clothes were dirty, your hair messy, your arms were crossed over your chest, probably to shield yourself from the cold night air that swept through your cell.

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