Chapter 38: Rings

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"A ring is round, it turns forever and that's how long we'll be together."

Yoongi's orange eyes were wide as he stared at the small child in his arms, his hands shaking nervously as he watched her laugh and giggle, while her tiny hands reached for his raven locks.

She giggled loudly as she pulled on his hair, her golden eyes sparkling in happiness as she watched him groan in pain.

Yoongi pulled the child away from his head, outstretching his arms completely and staring at the laughing baby.

"I never knew that such a small being could cause so much pain."

He gently sat her down on the stone ground, watching her with a slight hint of fear and uncertainty.

"You are quite odd."

The little girl laughed loudly, putting her fist into her mouth and sucking on it.

The raven haired king slowly lowered to her level, eyeing her curiously.

"When I was your age, my only friend was my nurse." he started. "She would play with me and hold me because my mother and father were too busy to love their own child."

He sighed as he moved his hand to cup the child's face.

"I told myself I would never have children. I promised myself that I would never allow anyone to have the childhood that I had."

The baby laughed, outstretching her arms to Yoongi.

The king scoffed and picked her up, her small smile widening as he held her.

"I don't even understand why someone would want to have a child if it weren't for a good reason. My parents only had me because they needed an heir."

He stared at the child, tilting his head.

"Why would anyone willingly have a baby if it only brought them stress?"

She released another giggle and touched his face.


Yoongi's eyes widened at the baby's gurgled word, his heart suddenly fluttering and filling with an unknown feeling. A feeling of adoration and protectiveness...a feeling of love. Not the kind of love he felt for you, but the kind that made him want nothing more than to keep this child away from the evils of the world.

"Oh," He breathed out as he gently petted her golden hair. "That's why."

Yoongi's heart was practically melting as he held the sleeping child, he had never even begun to think about himself as a father. He never wanted to be a father, until now. When he was younger, his parents cast him aside, shoving politics and schooling down his throat from the second he was old enough to read, they wanted him to be a weapon, not a child. They never gave him a second glance unless he had done something worthy of their time. He was constantly having to prove himself to them over and over, but it was never enough, and he knew that, somewhere deep down he knew that he would never be good enough for them, he would never gain their approval.

Yoongi hated the way he was treated as a child and he swore to himself he would never have a baby, for fear that he would become like his father and treat his own flesh and blood like dirt.

But his heart ached for the sleeping baby in his arms. She was so young and yet,she had lost everything. And after everything settles down, she'll be sent to live with strangers for the rest of her life, never even knowing her parents that loved her so dearly.

Yoongi sighed, placing a kiss on the baby's head.

She clapped her hands happily, reaching for his hair again, Yoongi's hand grabbing her's and stopping her as he tickled her tummy, causing her to burst into a fit of laughter.

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