Chapter 30: Walls

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"You are confined only by the walls you, yourself, build."

"I said no." Jimin stated as he glared at the black haired woman, his golden eyes filled with determination and annoyance. His bold voice echoing through the empty meeting hall that had been vacant.

Hannah scoffed, her arms crossed over her chest as she rolled her eyes.

"No? You don't get to say no Jimin. It's your responsibility as heir to the throne-"

"I don't care." The silver haired prince stated lowly. "I'm not going to marry you. End. Of. Discussion."

The black haired woman frowned as she stepped closer to Jimin, her slinger fingers brushing up his chest and coming to rest on his shoulders.

"Jimin, dear," she began "we have been engaged since we were children, you cannot just go and change that now because you don't want to rule."

Jimin glared at her with a heated, golden glare, his hands finding hers and snatching them off of his shoulders sending her back with a slight push.

"I do want to rule," He said. "I will rule."

His eyes fixated on Hannah's shocked expression as he took a step closer towards her, his hand pointing an accusing finger at her slender figure.

"But not with you by my side."

Hannah's eyes widened, her heart hammering in her chest with a furry of emotions as she watched Jimin begin to turn and walk away from her.

"Your such a child Jimin! Always wanting your way! Always thinking that you deserve everything handed to you!"

Jimin continues walking, his body doing its best to block out the shrill voice of the young duchess.

"It's because of her isn't it?!" Hannah screamed loudly, her golden eyes watching as the silver haired prince continued to walk away from her. "You're not marrying me because of that- that-

That whore!"

The Dutches watched as Jimin's body came to a complete stop, a smile playing at her ruby red lips, her mind considering the victory she had won.

The silver haired prince turned on his heel, his body marching towards Hannah swiftly and his golden eyes burning with fury as his swift hands grasped her shoulders roughly.

His face was inches from hers.

But not in the way Hannah would have liked. The way Jimin stared at her sent undoubted fear through her entire being as she watched his nostrils flare in rage, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek.

"If you ever speak of her like that again..... I will have you exiled to the Dark Forest."

Hannah's tear-filled eyes widened as Jimin released his grip on her shoulders, his body once again created distance as he stared at her with disgust.

"Go home, Hannah." He spat.

The black haired girl watched as Jimin exited the room, her stomach dropping in fear and sadness. He was her only chance to rule, to become queen, and he didn't seem to have a problem with their marriage until you showed up. He left everything in a heartbeat just so he could help you and yet he couldn't even bring himself to speak to Hannah.

She released a scoff of displeasure.

"Have it your way Park Jimin."


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