Chapter 41: Potions

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"Kisses are better than potions."


Yoongi's heart thrummed loudly in his chest as his feet carried him through the wet, grassy field, rain pouring down upon his raven locks, while his hands held Grace close to his chest.

When he went to retrieve the child, her room was heavily guarded and he could hear her cries from the end of the hallway, he had to fight the guards, but he managed to push through and get the infant to safety....well almost to safety.

The rain poured on the both of them mercilessly, Grace's loud cries piercing through the twilight as Yoongi struggled to reach his destination.

Richard currently had every available man on Yoongi's trail, trying desperately to get the child back, for reasons that the raven-haired prince still didn't know.

He footsteps became slower as he reached the top of the grassy hill, his chest heaving in tiredness as his eyes searched for his redemption.

A loud, threatening roar suddenly filled the air, causing Yoongi's gaze to snap up.

He was right.

Drake stood staring at the man with anger and suspicion, his blue eyes glancing occasionally to the infant in his arms as he growled lowly.

Yoongi took a hesitant step forward, rain dripping off of his lashes.

"Please," He begged silently. "help me."

Curiosity flashed through the dragons eyes at the young kings words, his nostrils releasing a huff of confusion, as he watched the raven haired boy step closer.

"I know you don't trust me, "Yoongi stated. "But I have no where else to go."

The dragons tail thumped against the ground, his eyes softening at Yoongi's gentle tone. Drake's blue eyes took in the tear stains on his cheeks and his shivering body.

The dragon was forced to retreat from the city after Richard had seized it. The golden kings men had tried to chain him with iron, and keep him confined so he flew out of the town. But he wouldn't leave you all alone, he took refuge in a small cave on the outskirts of town, waiting for the right moment.

Yoongi hesitantly took another step towards the beast, his arms extending to show the giant beast a glimpse of Grace's distressed face as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Drakes eyes widened slightly at the sight. He had never seen a human infant before, and the whole situation was new to the silver dragon.

"I can't keep her in town," Yoongi stated slowly. "They'll find her."

Drake hesitantly moved closer, eyeing the small creature in Yoongi's arms, placing his snout close to her face and taking a few short whiffs.

Grace's cries slowly halted as she began to giggle at the large creature, her small hands, gently touching the tip off his scaly nose.

Drake huffed out in shock, sending a puff of air into Grace's face, causing her to erupt in another fit of giggles.

Yoongi smile slightly.

"Can you help us?" He asked.

The silver beast slowly nudged Yoongi's shoulder into the direction of his small cave, allowing him to take sanctuary there.

The dark king sighed in relief.

"Thank you."


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