Chapter 33: Deserve

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"The moment you ask if you deserve better, you do."

Jungkook's heart pounded in his chest as he made his way down the dimly lit hallway, his feet padding softly against the dark wooden floors, as his nervous eyes scanned for your room.

He was a jerk.

And he knew that. The way he behaved was ungentlemanly and just plain rude. He had worked hard to achieve the level of friendship that he had with you and he wasn't about to let everything go to waste because of his childish actions.

He was going to apologize to you. Tonight.

The swishing if his bed robes filled the halls as he began to move swifter, silently praying that you weren't asleep.

His body stopped infront of your room, his golden eyes scanning the door as a small smile formed on his face, his hand moving slowly to touch the door knob-

"They all had blue eyes."

Jungkook's hand froze at the familiar voice of the sorcerer, his heart plummeting to his chest. Why was Hoseok in your room at this hour? What were the two of you talking about?

"Like me?"

His golden eyes softened as your small, curious voice filled his ears. He listened as the sorcerer chuckled.

"Yes. Like you. Each one of them had seen dragon fire in their lifetime...thus their blue eyes."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow and leaned his ear against the door, trying to hear better.

"Why hasn't anyone told me about them? What happened?"

Hoseok sighed.

"When The Great Wall was built, the dragons fled and the Riders fled with them. Some people don't believe that they even existed. Some say that they are just hiding until the Wall comes down.. and some say that they all died in the War."

Jungkook listened as you sighed.

"If what you've told me is true, then there may be a way for me to tear down the wall and not..die."

Jungkook's golden eyes widened.

"Y/n, the mission is dangerous, you do realize that you could lose everything. Your family, your friends......your life."

The soft sound of your sigh filled the air, and the golden prince couldn't resist the temptation to peek into your room. His eyes softened as they landed on your figure.

Your h/l, h/c hair cascaded down your neck, your cream, lightweight shirt, dropped to reveal your prominent collar bone, your trousers hugged your legs in a modest manner and your blue eyes were dim as you stared at the sorcerer beside of you.

"I know." You breathed. "I've been thrown into a land I've never known before. Ive been bitten by monsters, robbed by thugs and almost killed for being a witch....and I guarantee that two days ago I wouldn't have even begun to consider this as an option...I would've told you that you were insane....but I've come to realize that it isn't just about me. It isn't about what I want or what I's about the children that live here, it's about the mothers and fathers who work hard to feed their kids, it's about the royals who try and try to keep their people's about the people."

Jungkook felt his heart clench in pain as he listened to you speak, his hands balling into fists.

"Maybe I am here by accident, Maybe I have absolutely no purpose in this land, but one thing I know for sure is that I didn't come this far, to only come this far."

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