Chapter 23: Tunnels

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"Carve a tunnel of hope through a mountain of  disappointment."
                 - Anonymous

Hoseok's heart pounded in his chest as he took in Yoongi's confession, his chest tightening uncomfortably at the prince's words. He had suspected that Yoongi might have feelings for you, but he didn't think that he was in love with you and he certainly didn't expect Jimin to be either.

This changed everything.

Ever since you defended him that night at the castle Hoseok had only grown fonder and fonder of your presence. He slowly found himself admiring everything you did, the way you smiled, the way you defended yourself, the way you cared too much about everyone around you.

It amazed him how one person could care so much.

Hoseok's heart hurt.

You trusted him, and he betrayed you. No matter how much he told himself that it wasn't intentional, he couldn't help but feel angry at himself for allowing matters to get this bad.

Hoseok's orange gaze landed on your unconscious form hanging over Yoongi's shoulder limply.

That didn't look comfortable.

"Yoongi," Hoseok's voice broke the thick silence of the prison, earning the prince's attention. "Lay her down."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow in question,

"She needs to eat." Hoseok explained. "She won't survive if she can't run."

Yoongi frowned but reluctantly marched back into her cell, laying you gently down on the dirt floor, his long fingers tangling in your hair as he gently held your head.

"I'll take care of her, the rest of you try and find the tunnel." Hoseok said.

Yoongi laid your head down, before standing up slowly, his orange eyes scanning Hoseok from head to toe, in a suspecting manner. He wanted to ask him about his odd behavior, but bit his tongue.

"Make sure she eats something." He said quietly, as he left the cell.

Hoseok knelt down on the ground, his hands gently lifting your head and placing it into his lap, his fingers moving through your (h/l),(h/c) hair.

Guilt poured all over his body as he took in your bruises and cuts. His heart aches as his eyes landed on your ankles, rubbed raw by the shackles.

This was his fault.

You were in this mess because of him. He should've stopped Yoongi that night at the castle, he should've told him that he wouldn't be a part of his plan.  But he didn't, he was a loyal, coward who wouldn't express his feelings out of fear.

You didn't deserve this.

You didn't deserve him.

He wanted to take back everything. He wanted to start all over with you, a clean slate and if he could, he would go back to that night and tell Yoongi no. He would stand up for his feelings and himself,  but he couldn't do that. He couldn't turn back time, he had to deal with his actions. And that was what hurt him the most.

"I am so sorry." He choked out as he stared down at your unconscious form, the sounds of the other men searching for the tunnels slowly fading away from his mind. "None of this should've happened."

Your body remained still, your breathing soft and light as Hoseok ran his hands through your hair.

"I love you."

His own words shocked him.

Did he really love you? He didn't know. He'd never been in love before, but the way you made him feel, was too good to not be love. The way he felt for you was too strong to not be love.  The words came so naturally out of his mouth that it scared him.

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