Chapter 26: Tears

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"Tears are how our heart speaks when our lips can not describe how much we've been hurt."

"Save him."

Namjoon's golden eyes widened at your sudden request. His mouth hang agape as he eyed you curiously. Sadness swam in your ice blue eyes and tears had stained your puffy, red cheeks.

"Please," you sobbed. "Save him."

The sorcerer watched as your body began to shake with tears. Your breathing becoming labored and heavy. His heart filled with sorrow at the sight of you, and he slowly moved closer towards you.

He wanted to help you.

He really wanted to help you.

But he couldn't.

Hoseok was dead. And there was no magic powerful enough to bring him back, no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Y/n, I-I can't. I'm sorry."

It broke Namjoon's heart to say those words to you. He wanted so badly to bring Hoseok back. He hated seeing you cry.

You slowly nodded as you took in the sorcerers words, your heart aching in your chest. You knew that there probably wasn't a way to save him, you knew, and yet.... it still hurt to hear those words.

"I-I don't know what to do." You breathed as you looked at your hands that were now covered with Hoseoks blood.

The sky began to cloud over and the sound of heavy thunder filled the air. Namjoon watched as the villagers slowly retreated into their home, shielding themselves from the rain that began to sprinkle. The Dragon Guards had taken Nathaniel to the prison, so the only ones left in the square were the seven of you.

It was raining hard now.

The cold, heavy water droplets poured down onto your skin as you stood motionless in the square, your eyes never leaving Hoseoks body.

He looked so peaceful.

So serine and calm, like he didn't have a care in the world, and you guess that now he doesn't. He left. He went to a better place, somewhere far away from his troubles. Far away from you.

"Y/n, you shouldn't stand in the rain."

Your eyes snapped up at Yoongi's voice. Sadness suddenly being replaced with anger as you took in his words. You clenched your fists and turned on your heel to face him.

"Don't speak!" You screamed, shocking all of the men. "You- You don't get to speak! Not to me!"

Yoongi's orange eyes turned a dull yellow as he stared at you sadly. You glared at him with an icy stare, hatred and disgust swimming in your gaze. It broke his heart to see you look at him that way. He loved you. He needed you.
But you didn't want anything to do with him.


"This is your fault!" You yelled. "I-If you hadn't betrayed us, if you had been even a little bit considerate, If you had for ONE SECOND thought of someone other than yourself Hoseok would still be alive!"

Those words cut deeply through Yoongi. He watched as tears streamed down your face, your chest heaving with every word you spoke.

"You were his prince! You were his friend! And he is dead because of you!"

Everything fell quiet.

The rain was the only sound that filled the air.

"You killed him." You breathed quietly. "So you don't get to speak."

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