Chapter 43: Caves

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"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasures you seek."

                                                                     -Joseph Campbell

You released a heavy sigh as your blue eyes scanned the small cave in front of you, the cool autumn wind blowing through your hair.

After you and Jimin managed to sneak out of the city, you met up with the others. Your plan was simple. Find Drake and tear down the wall.

You and Jimin hadn't talked much since your slight argument, neither of you choosing to acknowledge the other as all of you searched for your dragon friend.

Because you were Drake's Rider , your body would lead you in his general direction, but it wasn't an exact science, you all had been wandering for a good two hours, before you stumbled upon a small cave on the outskirts of town.

Your gut was telling you that the dragon had taken shelter in the stone formation, and it made sense, it wasn't far from town, which meant that he could gain his strength and watch over you from a slight distance.

Jin hopped off his horse, eyeing the cave cautiously.

"Are you sure he's in there?" He asked. "It looks a little unsafe.."

You nodded.

"I'm sure."

The rest of the men dismounted their steeds, tying them to a near by tree, before you all slowly entered the cave.

The sound of a babies laughter suddenly filled your ears as you walked deeper into the darkness, a small orange light beginning to brighten up the damp structure.

You raised your eyebrows in curiosity.

Was someone living here?

Another fit of laughter echoed to your ears and your eyes widened.


You hastily moved your feet, running until you came across a small campground.

Drake's head shot up at your arrival, his nostrils smelling the air, before he swiftly raised himself to stand excitedly, his tail swinging happily.

He rushed over to you, his forked tongue licking all over your face, as a few chuckles escaped your mouth. He was obviously happy to see you. He stopped licking you, his blue eyes taking in your form and checking you for any possible injuries.

He released a slight whimper when his gaze fell onto your ankle, which was raw and bloody form your tireless attempts to free yourself from the chains. His tongue darted out to lick it gently.

You smiled, petting his snout gently.

"It's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore."

The dragon's expression didn't change, he merely lowered his head, laying it at your feet.


Your eyes shot up at your name, your blue gaze falling on Yoongi, who held a smiling Grace. His orange eyes scanned you from head to toe, before he stepped closer, his expression remaining neutral. He didn't look mad, but he didn't look happy either, which confused you. He was so worried about you earlier, that you imagined he would be more relieved to see you.

You were certainly happy to know that he was okay, and that he had managed to get Grace to safety. Maybe you were just over thinking, or maybe you were being selfish....but you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't look happy to see you.

"Hey." You said quietly. "Are you okay?"

The raven haired prince merely nodded, his eyes falling to the rest of the men who entered into the small sanctuary.

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