Chapter 37: Brothers

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"Because brothers don't let each other wonder in the dark alone."

                                                                                 -Jolene Perry

A heavy sigh escaped Jin's lips as he tried, frantically to calm down the crying infant in his arms. She hadn't stopped screaming since you left...which was about an hour ago. The rosy haired prince had tried everything, he fed her small amounts of bread and even gave her some clean water to drink, but she only continued to refuse, screaming for you to hold her.

The baby rested her face in the crook of Jin's neck, her loud cries dulling down until her voice was merely a whimper.

Jin sighed, gently stroking her hair.

"I know, princess," He started quietly, "I miss her too."

The child didn't respond, she only held onto his shirt tightly, her golden eyes still searching for your familiar figure among the crowd of people.

Jimin's eyes watched from afar as Jin held the infant, his chest tightening in guilt and sorrow. He remembered your last words to Jin, and even if they weren't directed towards him, he couldn't help but feel like you wanted him to hear it and heed to your advice as well.

The silver haired prince let out a heavy sigh.

Most of his life was spent hating his older brother, cursing his name and hurting him verbally every chance he got. He despised the way Jin acted and carried himself, he hated the fact that he ran away from responsibility and acted as though his own mothers death didn't even effect him.

But he remembered your words.

Maybe you were right....maybe drinking and sleeping around was Jin's way of coping, after all Jimin wasn't much comfort to him in those dark days, and he often refused to let Jungkook even go near the rosy haired prince. Jin wasn't a legitimate heir, he wasn't even a legitimate son, when their mother died Jimin still had his brother and father....Jin had no one.

Jimin ran a hand through his silver locks, his feet slowly pulling him towards his older brother, as he watched Jin, stroke the baby's head.

"Jin," Jimin started, grasping the elders attention. "Can"

Jin's golden eyes widen at his brother's sudden request. Jimin never spoke to Jin, unless he was forced to, and now he is willingly approaching him and asking to speak with him....was something wrong with him?

Swallowing his doubts, Jin nodded and followed Jimin halfway up the stair case, where no one could hear their conversation.

"Are you finally going to kill me?" Jin asked, his expression serious.

Jimin sighed, shaking his head. "No."

"Then why have you brought me here?"

The younger male breathed in, his mind running everywhere as his eyes locked with his brothers.

"I'm sorry."

Jin's golden eyes widened in shock at his brothers words, his mouth falling open in pure disbelief. Jimin and Jin had been at odds since they were teenagers, each of them never even daring to speak to one another. They both had their fun torturing each other and making their lives miserable. Jimin swore to Jin that he would hate him forever and never forgive him for the death pf their mother, and yet here he was.....apologizing.

Jimin's eyes searched his brother's face for a reaction, his golden eyes watching as Jin merely stared at him in disbelief.

"Wh-what?" Jin breathed out.

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