Chapter 29: Ghosts

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""At some point in life, we have to let go of the ghosts of our past."
                         -A. P.

The red headed sorcerer stood still as he gazed at you, his orange eyes shining as the candle light of the chandelier shone upon them. His chest heaved in exhaustion, and confusion as his hand stayed over his now closed wound.

Everyone was silent. As if no one could believe that he was actually there.... and could you blame them? Five minutes ago Hoseok was dead. His body cold and lifeless as it was laid upon a stone slab in the towns burial center.

Your heart continued to pound in your chest as you held eye contact with the sorcerer. He couldn't be alive right? You saw the sword pierce his chest, you saw the breath leave his body. There was no possible way that he could be alive.

Tears clouded your eyes as you watched Namjoon slowly move towards Hoseok, his golden eyes fixated on the previously dead man. Hoseok offered him a small smile of reassurance.

"H-How are you alive?" He asked quietly, his mind trying to take everything in.

Hoseok frowned at the question, his eyes moving back to meet yours. He released a soft chuckle, his hand moving to swipe a few rebellious strands of red hair away from his face

"This is going to sound insane," he stated quietly. "But I don't know."

Namjoon turned to face you, his eyebrow raising in curiosity at Hoseok words. He didn't know? Well Namjoon could understand that, after all Hoseok had been dead for almost two days, the sorcerer could only imagine the confusion he's feeling right now.

"You don't know?" You asked quietly. "How could you not know?!" You yelled as rebellious tears slipped down your face. You weren't angry, but you weren't relieved, you were confused. You didn't understand how any of this could actually be happening. People don't just come back to life. That's not how things work!

"You were dead!" You shouted as you moved out from behind the table, your body gravitating towards the red headed sorcerer, sadness swirling in your blue eyes. "You can't be alive! It- it's not natural!"

Hoseoks eyes saddened as he watched your shaking body advance towards his own, tears began to swell in his eyes that were now morphing into a soft yellow color.

"You died!" You screamed as you stood in front of Hoseok. "And- And now you're back with no explanation, with no-"

Hoseok cut your words short.

Your blue eyes widened as his warm lips slammed into your own. His left hand wrapped around your waist, pulling your body completely against his while his right hand cradled the back of your head. You didn't move. Your body was in shock at the sudden display of affection. Being in his arms felt warm, and peaceful. It felt like you were safe from any of the dangers of the magical world outside.

The men around the table sent hard glares onto the sorcerers back, but none of them advanced towards him, they all remained still, their eyes wide.

You placed your hands on Hoseok's chest, your arms slowly pushing his lips away from your own. He stared down at you with soft yellow eyes, that shone brightly with love and adoration, sending a deep blush straight to your cheeks.

"Why-why did you do that?" You asked quietly.

Hoseok smiled.

"I missed you."

A deep cough broke your staring contest with the sorcerer. Your blue eyes snapped over to Jungkook's fuming form. His shoulders were hunched as he leaned over the wooden table, his golden eyes piercing Hoseok as he stared directly at him.

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