Chapter 10: Stars

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"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves."
              -William Shakespeare

The night was still.






You frowned, turning to look at the chestnut headed male sitting behind you.

"Can you please be more gentle? It feels like you're trying to kill me!" You exclaimed.

Jungkook frowned at your words, and thumped at a spot just below your wound in response.

"Ow! What was that for?!" You asked harshly, holding your shoulder from the pain.

Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and returned to dressing your wound.

"That was because you keep yelling at me." He stated nonchalantly.

You sighed, turning to face the fire infront of you again, beginning to fiddle with your hands.

Your heart began to speed up as Jungkook's soft fingers brushed the skin of your back while he cleaned your wound, but you tried not to think about that.

After the Umbra attack, everyone continued to ride ahead, and travel. The poison from the monster was still trying to fully leave your system, so you would often feel queasy and light headed.

Jimin seemed to notice, though and stopped the company to make camp for the night. In all honesty you didn't want to stop, you wanted to keep riding until you got there.

You hated the feeling of being useless, and defenseless. The sooner you left this land the better.

"I never got to thank you," You stated quietly, catching Jungkook's attention. "For saving my life, back there."

Jungkook's golden eyes widened slightly at your suddenly kind tone. A sarcastic remark, rested on the tip of his tongue, but he bit it back, deciding it would be better to acknowledge you.

In the short time he'd known you, the two of you had been bickering friendly, back and forth . Never once, had he actually had a heart-to-heart conversation with you, but that didn't stop him from caring about you, not even a little bit.

You were a mystery to him. Something he could continue to study, but never fully understand. The way you saw the world, mesmerized him. You were different from any woman he had ever met before.

"You're welcome." The chestnut headed man stated, continuing to dress your wounds.

You sighed out, your blue eyes trailing over each of the men that sat gathered together by the fire. You and Jungkook were a few feet away from them so your conversation wasn't heard.

"And I'm sorry about calling you a pedophile." You said.

Jungkook chuckled, pulling down your shirt once he finished dressing your wound.

"It's okay, I don't even know what that means."

You smiled lightly, nodding your head.

"It must really suck to have to marry someone you don't love." You stated quietly.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at your bluntness, as he began placing the bandages back into Namjoon's saddle bag.

A sigh escaped his lips.

"Indeed, It does...... suck?"

You watched as Jungkook moved and sat down on the ground beside of you, resting the saddle bag between his legs.

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