Chapter 27: Cold

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"It's never to cold outside for angels to fly."

You sighed as you pulled the blanket closer to your shivering body, your feet gently tip toeing through the Main Room of the Town Hall, and  padding across the wooden floor.

You didn't know what time it was, and to be honest, you didn't care either. You just needed to get away from everything for a while. You wanted some silence and some time alone. You needed time alone.

Jimin insisted that your door be watched all night just in case an angry villager tried to sneak in and kill you, which resulted in the silver haired prince sitting by your bedroom door all night long.

But he fell asleep.

And you were so happy that he did.

You gently pulled open the large, wooden door, the cold, night air sweeping into the building and caressing your rosy cheeks.

You walked outside of the massive building and gently closed the door behind you, trying your best not to awaken the sleeping prince by your door. Your bare feet gently descended the stone stairs outside of the Hall, the cold surface tickling your feet as you pulled your blanket even closer to yourself.

It had been a while since you'd been completely alone, after all you'd been traveling with 8 men for the past week, so alone time wasn't a luxury that was afforded to you. And you didn't mind it. You liked being with them and being able to talk to them without feeling pressured to be anything other than yourself.

But Hoseok's death affected you.

It made you hurt, it made your heart hurt. Hoseok was always a kind man, even though people often treated him with disdain and hatred, he never once lost his morals, he never once hurt anyone.

Hoseok was always a kind man...... so why did he have to die?

Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be the kindest man you'd ever known? Why did it have to be your friend?

It shouldn't have been him.

He shouldn't have jumped in front of the sword.

He shouldn't have saved you.

But he did.

Because he loved you.

You shake your head vigorously at the thoughts flowing through your mind, your chest tightening as your mind remembered his last words.

"I love you. I love you now, I'll love you when I'm dead, and if there is a life after that I will continue to love you."

Tears found their way to your blue eyes as you took a seat on one of the stone stairs infront of the Hall, your gaze moving up to study the star-filled sky.

"I miss you." You breathed out.

"Y/n?" Your eyes snapped up at the sound of the wooden door being pulled open, the loud creak it made filling the night air.

Jimin stood by the door, his silver hair tousled and messy, his golden eyes tired and rimmed with sleep as he stared down at you curiously.

"You should be inside. What are you doing out here in this cold?." He asked tiredly.

You moved your gaze back up to the stars, resting back on the palms of your hands.

"Stargazing." You stated simply.

Jimin's golden gaze lingered on your blanket covered form, his eyes taking in your weary,disheveled state. you were tired, and you had every right to be, you'd been through more in one week than he had been through in his whole life. He didn't understand how someone could be so afraid, yet so brave at the same time. You truly amazed him. You always amazed him.

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