Chapter 9: Monsters

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"The world is full of monsters with friendly faces, and angels full of scars."

The trees rustled above you, the sunlight shining in through the green leaves above your head. Your eyes took in the green forestry that was all around you, from the grass, to the trees, to the bushes and the occasional flower.

The forest was quiet. The only sounds to be heard were that of the birds' song and the sound of horses hooves as they hit the dirty path below them. The sound of your horses breathing was also heard through the quiet.

You released a small sigh as you looked at the men around you.

They all insisted that you be placed in the middle, so that if you were attacked they could defend you. You, of course objected, claiming you could take care of yourself, but they didn't exactly care too much. Jimin was at the front followed by Nathaniel, Taehyung, Jungkook, you, Yoongi Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok.

You looked down to the animal you were riding. It was a male horse who went by the name Duke, his pelt was black, purely black with not a single white spot on him except a single spot that covered his right eye. You and he had become good friends in the four hours or so that you'd been on the trail towards the dark forest.

You'd pet him, he'd like it. Y'know, it was that kind of friendship.

Your eyes drifted up in front of you to eye the back of Taehyung's head. You frowned remembering the argument you had with him before you had left the castle. You didn't mean to be so rude towards him, especially after everything he's done for you. When he said those things he just made you angry.

You made a mental note to apologize to him later.

"Keep your eyes up, we're coming close to Umbra territory." Jimin spoke from the front of the line. You watched as the men began to pull their swords out of their shieves, their bodies becoming highly alert and tense.

"What's an Umbra?" Your quiet voice asked.

A deep chuckle resounded from behind you.

You turned your body to look at the raven haired prince. A smile was present on his face as he held onto the reigns of his brown horse.

"An Umbra is a small green little monster, about the size of a bean." Yoongi explained.

You nodded in understanding, pursing your lips.

"Doesn't sound that scary." You stated.

"It isn't," Namjoon started as he poked his head out  from behind Jin. "But it's jaw can open up to two hundred times it's body size, and it can swallow a man whole, and it has poison in its teeth that could kill a person within seconds."

Your eyes widened and your mouth hung agape.

"Oh." You breathed out.

"That's not even the worst part," Jungkook started from ahead of you. "Whenever it's done eating, it uses whatever's left of its victims and builds onto itself." He stated.

You almost gaged at the information.

"So your telling me, that it uses human body parts to make itself bigger?" You asked.

Jungkook nodded.

"Exactly. If they're fully grown, they usually already have quiet a few parts attached to them. However, if they're young they are extremely hard to spot, so be careful where your horse walks just one of those things could swallow it whole."

You nodded, and gulped casting your eyes down onto the ground and watching it carefully.

"Don't let Jungkook trick you, lady Y/N," Jin said from behind Yoongi. "Umbras live in caves and they can't move until they've added enough on themselves, and by the time they have enough to move, they are extremely hard to miss, in fact when they are near the air becomes infested with the stench of rotting flesh , they aren't going to swallow your horse, Jungkook is jesting you." He explained.

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