Chapter 17: Nights

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"I have loved the stars too fondly to be afraid of the night."
             -Sarah Williams

Jimin's heart thrummed loudly against his rib cage in frustration. His deep, golden eyes never once leaving your sleeping form.

And his mind wondering off the the event that took place a few hours ago.

After Jungkook had stated that he knew about Jimin's feeling towards you, the silver haired prince was instantly put into a state of unease.

He had tried so hard to hide his feelings from anyone other than himself, but Jungkook caught on.

And it was no surprise he did.

Jungkook new Jimin like the back of his hands and Jimin was the same with Jungkook, so he didn't understand why he didn't see this coming.

After his brothers confession, Jimin stayed in the woods for a few hours, his mind being pulled in all different directions. He was scared and nervous.

When he had first met you, the only thing that intrigued him was the odd color of your eyes, but that night when you spoke to the king so freely, when you showed your fiery spirit Jimin found himself taking a deeper interest in you.

He had feelings for you. There was no denying that, but he didn't realize just how strong they were until Jungkook had spoken to him.

"I won't allow either of you to have her. I don't care if I have to renounce my title. I don't care if I am placed in prison or even killed. I will not ever allow you to take the only piece of happiness I have."

Jimin shuddered as he remembered the darkness in Jungkook's eyes.

"I won't allow it."

The way Jungkook spoke, with such anger and determination leaving his voice, was almost enough to make Jimin angry. He wanted to yell and scream at his brother for even thinking that he could move in someone Jimin desperately desired.

Jimin released a frustrated sigh, watching as you moved closer to Jungkook, your body seeking out his for warmth.

When Jimin had finally came back to the campsite( after a long while in the woods) he found everyone asleep, and you cuddled up closely to Jungkook. The chestnut headed prince's arm was wrapped around your waist and your face was buried into his broad chest.

A single blanket shielded the two of you away from the cold night air.

Jimin's heart softened as he watched you flip over in Jungkook's embrace, your mouth releasing a contented sigh at the change of position.

Jungkook groaned in his sleep and brought your body closer to his.

Jimin poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

He didn't know why,

But he suddenly had the urge to rip Jungkook's arm off.

The silver haired prince knew of your friendship with Jungkook and he was never bothered by it, but then Jungkook had to go and say what he did.

He had to tell Jimin how he felt.

Jimin resented his brother for telling him of his feelings towards you.

It made things more complicated.

How could Jimin have feelings for you when he knew Jungkook longed for you? Jimin and Jungkook had always been the closer two of the brothers, always looking out for each other while Jin was out on his "adventures" Jimin would always shield Jungkook away from the harsh reality of being royalty.

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