Chapter 32: Riders

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"Brave men do not kill dragons, brave men ride them."

"I swear when I get out of here, I'm going to murder you, Jungkook."

You grunted in frustration as you pulled harshly on the door of your bedroom, you fingers clasping the golden ring that served as a doorknob as you tried to escape.

The coldness if the night air had slowly began to creep over the town, and your bare feet were currently freezing off as you stood on the wooden floor, pulling against the door.

A loud groan of annoyance left your lips as you finally accepted your defeat, sending one last annoyed blow to the wooden door before turning back and pacing the length of your room.

You were mad.

This whole trip all you've heard is how terrible the Great Wall is, and how everyone wants to tear it down to make the Four Kingdoms whole again, but the second you offer to help you're locked in your bedroom like some child!

Your head was throbbing as you plopped down on the edge of your bed, running your hands through your hair as you let out a groan of frustration.

This wasn't fair. You weren't some kind of kid that they could just throw into a corner! You were a grown woman and you had the right to make your own decisions whether they liked it or not.

Your blue eyes slowly rose to scan over your room, searching for anyway to-

A window.

You smiled evilly to yourself, your room was on the first floor of The Great Hall so all you had to do was unlock the latch and climb outside.

You swiftly got yourself dressed, throwing on your large shirt and brown pants, and pulling on your brown boots.

You grabbed your dagger from the wooden nightstand beside your bed, tucking it into the waist band of your pants.

You began to make your way over to the window, the floor creaking from your weight. The window was slightly opened, only being held shut by a tiny metal hook that latched it to the sill.

Your fingers moved to unhook the window, the soft night air slightly blowing your hair back.

"What are you doing?"

You jumped back in shock at the deep voice that filled the room, your blue eyes moving towards your bedroom door.

Hoseok stood staring at you, anger swimming in his tangerine eyes as he watched you, slowly step away from the window.

"I-I was just opening the window for some fresh air."

The sorcerer frowned and closed your bedroom door, stepping closer towards you.

"In your clothes?"

You shrugged nervously.

"I didn't want to get cold."

Your eyes watched as the sorcerer walked toward the window, hooking it back in place, then turning to look back at you.

"You were leaving, weren't you?"

You frowned.


Your head nodded, blue eyes falling to the floor.


Hoseok sighed heavily, walking over to you.

"Y/n, you heard what they's dangerous to tear down the wall."

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