Chapter 14: Hope

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"Once you choose hope, anything is possible."

"What are you doing?! Trying to kill me?!"


"Shut up! I swear to god that whenever I have the strength to walk, I'm coming for you Hoseok!"

You rolled your eyes at the ravenette's constant yelling. You had been watching the two men bicker from where you sat beside Namjoon. When Yoongi had first started making threats, you were slightly worried for Hoseok's safety, but the sorcerer comforted you by saying that Yoongi always yells like this when he's in pain. That made sense.

Yoongi really didn't handle pain well.

When Hoseok had pulled out the arrow, Yoongi had fallen unconscious from the excruciating pain. It was probably for the best, though. Had he been awake, he probably would've dismembered the redheaded sorcerer.

Hoseok released a deep sigh, while struggling to clean Yoongi's wound.

"Yoongi, I can't clean it properly if you continue to struggle like this." He stated exasperatedly.

Yoongi frowned.

"I'm fine. The arrows out, so we should get going." He stated bluntly.

"My prince, you were almost killed! Had it not been for the angle you stood at, you would have died!"

Yoongi sent a glare to the sorcerer.

"But I didn't die. I'm perfectly fine, so let us continue our journey."

The dark haired prince had begun to move underneath Hoseok's touch, trying his best to stand up, only to groan at the pain that shot through his shoulder.

Yoongi's head fell back against the blanket he had rested on, his black locks cling to his forehead due to perspiration.

The prince released a string of colorful curses.

You sighed and watched as Hoseok stood up, taking the now empty water bowl and walking back towards everyone.

"How is he?" Namjoon asked from beside of you, his golden eyes trailing over to look at the pouting prince.

Hoseok sighed, handing the water bowl to Jin for him to fill up.

"The arrow came out smoothly, but if he continues to struggle against me I won't be able to properly dress the wound and we risk it getting infected."

Jin released a light chuckle.

"Yoongi never has liked being taken care of. It makes him feel weak."

Hoseok frowned.

"I wish he wouldn't feel that way, I've been trying for three hours."

You felt extremely sorry for Hoseok. Every time Hoseok has so much as moved towards the wound Yoongi would throw a fit and jerk his body around and cause the wound to bleed even more.

It seemed as though Hoseok had always taken care of Yoongi and that Yoongi depended on him. You've never seen Yoongi without Hoseok, you could only assume that the prince secretly enjoyed the presence of the sorcerer, even though he treated him like dirt most of the time.

Hoseok was a good man.

You sighed, standing up.

Hoseok's orange eyes watched as you trudged over towards him, your eyes sympathetic as you smiled softly at the sorcerer.

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