Chapter 28: Life

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"Life doesn't require that we have the best only that we try our best."
                              -H. Jackson Brown Jr.

The dungeons were quiet as Yoongi's heavy boots stomped through the stone carverns, his orange eyes lit with determination and confidence. His raven hair was swept back on his head and his right hand rested comfortably in the hilt of his sword.

His whole aura radiated one word.


His posture was straight and his gaze was fierce, even though no crown of gold was set upon his head, he was a king.

He was a king, but he was not his father.

Yoongi's body stopped infront of the large wooden door that separated him from the cells of the prison, his heart thrumming loudly in his chest and his gaze steely.

He moved his eyes to meet the guard's, his head giving a slight tilt, informing the metal-clad man to unlock and open the door.

The loud creak of the door filled the prison as it was pushed open. Yoongi's boots made heavy footsteps as he walked into the prison, his tangerine gaze searching for one particular man amongst the cells.

"I knew you'd come and visit me sooner or later."

Yoongi stopped infront of a cell in the far right corner, his eyes moving over to Nathaniel's hunched over figure as he stared through the iron bars at the new Dragon King.

"Did you come to gloat?" He asked with a deep frown on his face. "Because I'm afraid I'm not in the mood."

Yoongi's face stayed neutral as he stared down at the lowly scum of a man that once ruled over the Bear Kingdom.

"I've come to give you a chance." Yoongi stated.

Nathaniel chuckled deeply, his chest moving with laughter.

"A chance?" He asked. "A chance at what?"

The young king knelt down to eye level with the bearded man, his left hand holding onto one of the iron bars for balance.

"A chance to save your worthless, pathetic  life." He growled out.

Nathaniel's eyes widened slightly, before a smug smile formed on his lips, his face leaning closer to the bars.

"You don't scare me your highness." He stated.

Yoongi held back the urged to roll his eyes, the orange shade slowly beginning to morph into a lighter shade of red.

"I don't think you understand," Yoongi started. "I am one of the most powerful men in the Four Kingdoms, I could have you torn apart limb from limb at the snap of my fingers, I could end your sorry life right here and now and no one would be able to stop me."

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to say Yoongi?"

Yoongi smirked, his face leaning closer towards the bars, his eyes morphing into a bright crimson color, sending chills of fear and dread down Nathaniel's spine as he watch the red-eyed man smirk.

"It means that you have upset me, and yet I am offering you a chance at mercy. Do not squander it."

A frown crawled onto Nathaniel's lips as he stared at the king, his arms moving to cross over his chest.

"I am a king. I will not be bullied by a child trying to act like he is capable of ruling a kingdom that he has brought ruin upon!"

"Very well," Yoongi started, moving his body and standing straight up, his gaze falling down on Nathaniel's body. "Lee Nathaniel, by order of The Dragon King, You have here by been stripped of your lands, your title and your right to rule over the people of The Bear Kingdom. For your crimes you shall be executed by means of beheading at sundown today."

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