Chapter 11: Paths

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"If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads."
     -Anatole France

You sighed out quietly as you rubbed your tired eyes. Your body was aching from sleeping on the hard ground last night.

The cool, morning air greeted you as you sat up from your sleeping space, the blankets covering your body fell off your shoulders and bundled around your waist.

"Good morning, lady y/n."

Your eyes trailed over to Namjoon, who stood over the open fire place, a small smile resting on his lips.

You nodded, looking up to the sky.

The stars were still out, but the light of day was visible as the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon.

Your eyes moved to look around you, the rest of the men were still asleep, all except for Yoongi and Namjoon, who were huddled around the fire.

A yawn escaped your mouth as you moved to stand up, your body creaking in protest.

"Good morning." You greeted back sweetly as you walked to the fire pit and sat down beside the black haired prince.

Yoongi eyed you for a moment before returning his eyes back to the fire in front of him.

"Morning." He spoke under his breath.

You ran a hand through your hair.

"Sleep well?" You asked as another yawn escaped your lips.

Yoongi's eyes widened at your attempt of small talk.

Coming from a cursed kingdom, he wasn't used to anyone trying to speak so normally to him. Most people avoided him for fear of his kingdoms curse being transferred to him. He was always treated like a dog by the nobles of other kingdoms, but he was used to the abuse.

"I slept as good as could be expected. It was quite hard though, considering yours and Jungkooks constant laughter." He stated coldly.

You gulped slightly at his cold tone and chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Sorry about that." You mumbled out.

Namjoon smiled, moving to sit down beside of you.

"It appears that you and the young prince have grown quiet close to one another."He stated.

You nodded slightly stretching your hands over your head.

"I guess so." You said. "We just get along."

Namjoon nodded.

"It is nice to see Jungkook be happy again. He has been quite gloomy as of late."

You raised an eyebrow.

"Really? He doesn't seem gloomy." You stated, your blue eyes trailing to the chestnut haired prince sleeping a few feet away from you.

Namjoon chuckled.

"That's because he has found such a good companion in you, lady y/n. It seems that you bring out the best in the people around you."

A blush rose to your cheeks at his comment.

"I don't know how. All I've done since I got here is embarrass myself." You chuckled out."I have no idea what I'm doing."

Namjoon smiled sweetly at you.

"You are giving everyone hope for a better world." He stated. "Hope is very powerful."

You smiled at the sorcerer.

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