Chapter 39: Proposals

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"Maybe... When you aren't busy, you might find time to marry me."


You hummed quietly to yourself as you gently rocked the tired child in your arms, your blue eyes scanning over the small room you were in.

"Come on baby," You started as the small child released yet another yawn. "It's time to go to sleep."

The child seemed to understand you, as her golden eyes began to drift shut slowly, her small hands rubbing her eyes as she rested her face in the crook of your neck.

You couldn't help but smile at her chubby face as you watched her doze off to dream land.

Earlier that day she was just a nameless victim of the attack, everything was stripped from her, but you took it upon yourself to give her one thing that no one could take away....a name.

You named her Grace.

That was your mother's name.

You knew that you had only known this small child for a few hours, but you couldn't help but feel attached and protective of her. She wasn't your child, you knew that. But she was alone, and no one should ever have to be alone.

Grace released a soft snore into your ear, her warm breath fanning over your face, and you almost melted. She was so adorable and precious.

You chuckled softly and walked over to the makeshift crib, which was actually just a bed with pillows lining the edges so she wouldn't fall out. Gently, you laid the child down, covering her with a small, blue blanket.

You stared at her as she slept, slightly envying her peace of mind.

Even though the "dragon situation" was taken care of, you still had numerous things to worry about. Taking down the Wall, getting back home, and......Yoongi.

You released a quiet sigh as your finger gently rubbed over the straw ring on your finger. You had feelings for him, that much was definitely clear. Your heart beat loudly and your stomach dropped when he was around you, but... Your family wasn't here, they were probably missing you and your mother didn't have much time left. You swore to yourself that you would see her one last  time.....

You needed to leave....but you wanted to stay.

"Crap." you breathed out.

"Why are you always talking to yourself?"

You jumped back at the sudden voice, your hand pulling your dagger out of it's sheath as your blue eyes searched for the source.

"Whoa!" Jimin yelled as he raised his hands in surrender. "It's me!"

You sighed in relief, instantly relaxing your body and pulling your dagger back into it's cover.

"What are you doing here?" You asked quietly, glancing at sleeping Grace.

Jimin smiled widely, his golden eyes disappearing as he gently grabbed your hand, his thumb brushing over the straw ring.

"I have something to show you."

You swallowed, secretly glad that he didn't mention the ring.


The silver haired prince pulled you out of the baby's room and down the hall, stopping in front of the large wooden doors, before turning to face you.

"Here." He stripped himself of his black, leather coat, handing it over to you. "It's pretty chilly out there. I don't want you to catch a cold."

A deep blush rose up your cheeks as you slowly nodded your head, prompting Jimin to wrap his arms around you and place the coat on your shoulders, his soft, plump lips grazing your ear for a split second before he pulled away, his hands now buttoning up the coat.

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