Chapter 7: Wander

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"Not all those who wander are lost."   
                                    -J. R. R. Tolkien

Your eyes were heavy as you stared at the starry sky above you. Your (h/l),(h/c) hair falling down to frame your face in the darkness of the cold night.

The stars above you twinkled with fervency, as they lit the garden you sat in quietly. It was as if they were mocking you with their shine. You had never taken time to star gaze before you had come here, but since you've arrived at this place it seems that you always need a good stargaze to lull you to sleep. Waking up in a new land was terrifying for you, everything and everyone you had known vanished in an instant, and all you were left with was a cancer in your eyes.

You couldn't sleep. You could never sleep. You lay awake every night, praying that this was all a bad dream and when you woke up, you'd be in your comfy bed, you mother cooking pancakes and your dad reading the paper. You hated it here. Every second that passes only made you miss your family more.

"I wish you were here." You breathed out softly to the sky, hoping that whoever was up there would listen.


A soft voice startled you into a defensive position, your arms coming out to defend yourself of any oncoming danger.

"Who's there?!" You asked bravely.

A silhouette suddenly became visible underneath the starlight, silver hair blending in with the light of the full moon. His shirt was white and almost see through, like the one Namjoon had worn earlier, the pants seemed to be made of a lighter fabric than the silk he had dawned earlier and all around he just looked exhausted.

"Jimin?" You called curiously.

The prince walked closer to you, his eyes wide in curiosity at your form sitting on the ground, your wide, innocent eyes staring back up at him with wonder.

You relaxed instantly, lowering your hands to your sides and breathing out a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

"I'm stargazing." You stated softly, turning your attention back towards the night sky.

The silver haired prince cocked his head to the side in curiosity.


You only nodded in response.

Jimin smiled in understanding at your words.

"May I join you?" He asked quietly.

You merely nodded, deciding to lay flat on the ground below you, your hair now sprawled out on the grass.

Jimin laid closely next to you, his shoulder barely brushing yours. You could feel the heat rolling off his body in waves, his scent almost intoxicating you.

"If I may ask, why are you in the garden in the middle of the night?" Jimin inquired.

You sighed, bringing your hands to rest on your waist, your blue gaze never once leaving the sky.

"Couldn't sleep." You stated blankly.

Jimin nodded.

"If you were having trouble, you could've asked Namjoon for an elixir, that's what I usually do." His voice trailed off on the last bit of his sentence but you caught it.

"I'm a little weary of taking potions from strangers, especially when everyone's been trying to kill me lately." You stated humorously

Jimins golden eyes widened at your bluntness. In all his days he had never heard a woman speak so forwardly, it was almost refreshing to him for you to be so bold with your opinions.

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