Chapter 15: Jealousy

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"Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretense of keeping it alive."
                                   -Havelock Ellis

Namjoon sighed as he ran his hands through his dirty blond hair, his mind was a mess,all he could think about was you.


His mind was all over the place every time he turned around he was thinking of different scenarios, his golden eyes trained on the creek infront of him.

When he had first met you.

When he healed you.

When you cared for Hoseok.

Namjoon released a frustrated grunt and continued to pull on his dirty blond locks.

He was old.

He'd been alive since before the Great Wall was built, he was there when the rest of his kind died, trying to place the Great Barrier around the Dark Forest. He had seen Kings and empires come and go and never once did he even consider having feelings for someone.

And then he met you.

You, a girl much younger than him, but every bit as wise. Your blue eyes were the first thing that had Namjoon captivated, he'd only seen the curse's color one other time before the Great Wall was built, and that person died in order to build the terrible wall.

You were different from any other woman. You were brave, kind, smart and beautiful. Everything you did, you did with grace and elegance, showing no fear or hesitation.

Namjoon didn't understand his feelings.

He didn't know why he constantly found himself moving closer to you, or trying to sit next to you.

He didn't understand and it bothered him.

It bothered him terribly.

Namjoon had always been a kind man, putting others before himself, always wanting to see others succeed where he could not.

But when he saw you with Hoseok-

Namjoon sighed, rubbing his hands down his face. He's never been jealous. Ever. But the way you smiled at him and spoke so softly made Namjoon's blood boil.

He knew he shouldn't feel that way. Hoseok and Namjoon were the last of the Great Sorcerers, they had been through thick and thin together, even if they were from different kingdoms. Namjoon always wanted Hoseok to find happiness in his life.

But he didn't want him to have you.

He didn't want anyone to have you.


Speak of the devil.

His heart jumped at your soft voice, his body turning to face you.

"Ah. Hello lady y/n." His voice was shaky. "Did you need something?"

You smiled and shook your head, eyeing the sorcerer warily.

"No. I just came to get Hoseok some water."

Namjoon frowned as he watched your blue eyes move across the stream, his chest stinging with bitterness at the mention of Hoseok's name.

"How is Yoongi fairing?" He asked, trying to avoid the sorcerers name.

You shrugged before bending down and placing the bowl into the creek, using your hands to rinse out the bloody water.

"He's fine, just a huge baby. He's sleeping now though."

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