Chapter 6: History

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"The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future."
                -Theodore Roosevelt

You shook your head fervently, taking a few disparate steps away from Jungkook and towards the sickly king.

"Your majesty, I-"

The king silenced you with his own words, placing his hand in the air, signaling for you to stop speaking.

"I need no input from you, witch."

Your eyes widened at the kings rude words. How dare he speak to you that way! He had only just met you, and he already treated you like a worthless human being. How could this man be Jungkook and Jimin's father?

You decided to keep your mouth shut, not wanting to get yourself into more trouble than you were already in.

"Father, let me explain." Jimin started softly. "She is not a witch, but a traveler from another land."

Nathaniel released a sarcastic chuckle, taking a step towards the king.

"There are no other lands outside of the Four Kingdoms. What you speak is impossible, boy."

Jimin sent a hard glare to the bearded man.

"Only small minded people could believe that our land is the only one in the entire universe."

Nathaniel frowned, taking a step towards Jimin while puffing out his chest defensively.

"Well, only a fool would permit a witch to live among us." He growled out.

"She is not a witch."

"Then explain her eyes, only witches can see dragon fire and live, you know that son."

The king spoke from the top of the staircase, his intrest piqued .

Jimin  turned to face his father.

"I can't explain them."  Jimin started, "but i know that this woman is no threat to us, and is certainly not a witch."

Nathaniel only seemed to grow angrier at Jimin's comment.

"Have you been enchanted, prince Jimin? Has the witch cast a spell on you? Only witches can see dragon fire."

It was now Taehyungs turn to speak, he stepped forward, placing his hand on jimin's shoulder.

"You are speaking out of turn Nathaniel. Know your place." Taehyung turned towards the lion king. "I know for a fact that she is no witch. I trust her."

You heart jumped a little at his words. He trusted you. You didn't know if it was the way he said it, or the look of pure determination on his face, but in that instant you felt the happiest you had been since you arrived in this magical land.

"Just because you trust her does not mean that she is indeed innocent." The king stated with a sigh. "The people want her dead. You know what will happen if she remains alive. If the maiden truly has seen dragon fire, then the great barrier is broken and every creature of the dark forest will come out of hiding and begin devouring our people. I cannot have the blood of millions on my hands just so you can save one witch."

You were almost at your boiling point, you had gotten so sick and tired of hearing the word "witch" and being accused of trying to kill people. This king didn't even know your character, he didn;t even want to know you, yet he sat all high and mighty ready to kill you.

"I will not permit you to kill her, Richard. She is my subject, and you have no power over her." Taehyung stated , anger lacing his voice.

Richard quirked his eyebrow cockily.

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