Chapter 8: Adventure

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"One way to make the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure."
                                     -William Feather

The castle courtyard was quiet and still in the early morning. The only sound being that of a birds song, or roosters crow. The sunrise was only minutes away, different shades of purple, pink and orange were beginning to swirl over the horizon.

A tired yawn escaped your lips and your hand reached up tp cover your mouth.

You were tired. Last night you and Jimin were out in the garden until late, he had told you stories of his childhood and in return you told him of your home and technology. You remembered laughing when trying to explain a cell phone to the prince.

You could easily say that you felt comfortable with Jimin now, even if you'd only known him for a day, last night the two of you talked like childhood friends and you trusted him.

A bored sighed past your lips as you played with the sleeves of your shirt.

You were dawned in a white button down shirt that was was too big for you (seeing as how it was made for a man to wear) you had rolled up the sleeves to your elbows and tied the shirt in a knot at the corner. The collar of the shirt exposed your collar bone and the top part of your chest, even though you were barely even showing cleavage, this was the most of your body you've shown since you've arrived. Your legs were covered in a pair of tight riding trousers, unlike your shirt, the pants were made for women to wear, but only when riding, otherwise it was indecent. However, to you they almost felt like skinny jeans, so you had no issue wearing them by themselves.

Your hair was styled in a French braid that cascaded down your neck, your (h/c) hair making your blue eyes pop.

"The guards will bring the horses around." Taehyungs deep voice broke off your train of thought.

You nodded and allowed your blue eyes to take in his appearance.

He wasn't wearing his usual attire of robes, but instead a white shirt that appeared to be a tad bit too big for him as it hung loosely from his body. it was tucked into the brown pants that covered his muscular legs, a belt hang around his hips, a silver award resting in the holster. This was your first time seeing him wear something so form fitting, and you had to say, he look really good.

Taehyung chuckled at your staring, spreading his arms wide and turning in a full circle to give you a full view.

"Prince Jungkook allowed me to wear his clothes, I did not think my royal robes would give me the freedom needed, if I should need to fight." He spoke confidently.

You raised your eyebrow.

"Do you think you will need to fight?" You asked.

Taehyung nodded as he adjusted his sword on his belt. "The great barrier is down, the dark creatures will be attracted to your flame, most of them will try to kill you, we can't allow that to happen."

Your eyes widened.

"Then shouldn't I have a weapon as well?" You asked quietly.

Taehyung looked at you and frowned, a sigh escaping his parted lips.

"I am not keen on the idea of a woman having a weapon." He spoke lowly.

Your eyebrow raised. He wasn't keen on the idea? Who was he to tell you what you could and could not do? He wasn't your father or your king!

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