How you two met

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Hiiiiiiiii!!I'm making this book because i didn't found my favorite characters in anothers books.The girl is about 18 years.


You were in a Mc Donald near to your house when a tall guy with glasses entered in with a ordered different types of burgers.,,Ahahahaha!Those are the best!I want more!''. ,,F*ck you,bubu~" ,,Tony,don't you think you have a bad mouth?'' ,,Shut up,bubu~'' You were amazed,it was strange for a pet to talk.You had to go to pay the bill but you were a bit shy to get near that guy tough.Finally,you decided to go without a fear.,,Oh,hello!I tough i was the only one in this restaurant.'' ,,H-hi!'' ,,Oh,don't be scared!I will be your hero and everything will be okay,don't have any worries!'' You start to smile. ,,What's your name,little cookie?'' You tell your name and ask for his. ,,I'm Alfred!!!!'' After another round of burgers you two go for a walk outside and you're allowed to pet little Tony.


It was sunny a moment ago and now it started to rain.You didn't took your umbrella because you never tought that it would rain. ,,Oh,what a lovely lady.You forgot your umbrella?You can took mine if you want.'' You looked up to meet a pair of green eyes.It was a beautifull young boy about your age. ,,You don't have to-..'' ,,But i can walk you where you have to be and it wouldn't be a problem.After all,i'm a gentleman.'' You giggled and accepted his offer.You two went to your house where you invited him in.,,I forgot to ask your name,what a mistake..'' You tell him your name.,,I'm Arthur,dear.'' After this you start to talk about different topics and drank tea.


You were out jogging when you bumped in a builted man.,,Scheisse!!I'm sorry,i didn't saw you there.'' He looked at you and started to blush. ,,Don't worry,i'm okay.'' You smile at him.,,A-ahem..I'm Ludwig.'' ,,I'm Y/N,nice to meet you!'' He blush even more. ,,Vould you like to run vith me?'' He asked and you said,of course,yes.


,,Vee~Deutch,i want to eat pastaaa!'' You're in a italian restaurant when at the next table a young boy started to shout.He looked kind of cute.You forget that you could be seen and started to stare at him. ,,Vee~Look,Deutch!A cute bella is staring at me,what should i do?'' You wake up from your day-dreaming about him and start to look at your best friend. ,,Hey,i saw you staring at me and i was asking myself if you would like to dance,vee~?'' ,,Yeah,sure.'' You danced all night and you exchanged names when you went to drink something.


You were out buying tomatoes.Everything went perfect 'til a guy bumped in you and his tomatoes mixed with yours.,,Look what you have done,stupid bastard!'' ,,Don't shout at me!!You're the one who knocked me out!'' ,,Eh?Stupid ragazza..'' He started to blush. ,,What?'' ,,Nothing,you bastard!I just..I'll take my tomatoes.'' He got down and you did the same thing to pick up your tomatoes.You were nearly done when your hand touched another hand and you looked up to see the guy with anger issues.He was blushing like crazy. ,,You i-idiot stupid cute ragazza!" ,,Aww,i'm still cute!'' ,,W-whaat?!'' He blush even more. ,,B-bastard!You're talking to me and i don't know your name..'' ,,*giggle* I'm Y/N,and you,mister anger issues?'' ,,I don't have anger issues!!!Raagh!....I'm Lovino..'' After picking up all the tomatoes Lovino invited you to his place to make pizza.


It was in the middle of the winter and outside was a snowy storm.You were eating rice balls when somebody knocked at your door.,,Um..hello?'' ,,Oh,hello,sorry for the trouble,but i was blocked in the parking place by all this snow and i was asking myself if i could stay here over the night and call somebody to come and help me.'' You were a bit shocked by the cuteness of this guy but accepted. ,,Would you like some hot chocolate?" ,,Yes,please.But first,could i know your name?'' ,,Yes,i'm Y/N .'' ,,A nice name,i'm Kiku.'' >You thought but still smiled.You had a nice time togheter.

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