Another one

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Virgil looked at his phone, finding he had received a message from Patton.

"Do you want to hangout today?" Patton texted him.

"where" Virgil wrote back. Smiling at his soulmate's question he always wrote, ever since their meeting three months ago.

"The cafe." Patton suggested. Virgil sighed, getting out of the warm bed.

"give me a hour" Virgil sent back, placing his phone down and grabbing his clothes for his shower.

Patton stared at the text on his phone, chuckled at the fact Virgil never used capitalization, then rolled out of bed himself, going through his routine of waking up.

Soon, the boy found himself at the front of the cafe, that had just opened up, being the first one in their small town. Patton decided to go ahead and go in, smiling at the barista as he took a seat. The short boy played a coloring game on his phone as he waited. He waited a long time, as he got there ridiculously early, as usual.

However, this gained the attention of a boy, who couldn't be a year older than Patton. He was drinking his coffee, which resembled a milkshake with how much sugar was in it, when he saw the boy walk in and sit down. He was alone, but a smile was bright across his face as he hummed, tapping his phone.

Eventually the boy looked up, cartoonishly raising an eyebrow. He hopped to his feet, skipping to Logan's table in a cheerful manner that caused the smart one's heart to flutter warmly. "Is this seat take?" The boy asked, his smile still wide.

"No." Logan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hi, I'm Patton! I noticed you looking my way, see something you like?" The other bounced into the seat. Logan nearly spit out all his coffee. "I'll take that as a yes! If you want we can be friends!" Patton remarked innocently.

He meant do want to hang out. Not, do I look hot to you. Okay, that made more sense to his innocent demeanor.

"I don't know you, at all." Logan answered honestly.

"Yeah, but we can get to know each other." The brunette with glasses similar to the other mused.

"Fine, I'm Logan." The taller greeted.

"Well, Logan, whatcha reading there?" Patton pointed to the phone next to Logan that displayed a white screen with black words on top.

"The Tell-Tale Heart." Logan replied.

"Oh, we read that in class a few months ago!" Patton remembered. Yes, it was the last story they read that year, then summer was here, but with fall coming, Patton frowned for a second at the thought of school.

"That's nice, do you remember most of it?" Logan asked. The smaller nodded enthusiastically. "Well, when the narrator claims he isn't insane, he's legally right."

"How so?" Patton's smile kept persistent.

"In order to be considered legally insane, you must be out of control of your own actions, unaware, which is why soulmates aren't used in cases where the suspect doesn't remember, and they decide to file an insanity case. Well, the narrator explains that he isn't legally insane, because he was aware of his actions. Though in my opinion, if a person is willing to take a life of someone else unjustly, they should be considered insane." Logan rambled, Patton's attention not faltering. "Then again, when the story was written, woman were considered insane for wanting a divorce, but it is interesting how the meaning of a word can change so much over time."

"That's so cool! You look so cute when you talk." Patton cooed. "I wonder if Virgil, my soulmate, ever thought about that."

"Thought about what?" Virgil asked, a smile on his face, not as large as the smaller's, but still there.

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