Sorry, other A/N theory

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Okay, okay, I know another A/N, but I was thinking about this! Okay so you know how Anxeity's name is Virgil; which very different from the rhyming thing we had going on with Patton, Logan, and Roman. But what if the reason for that is the light sides get a name that ends in -on or -an, and the dark sides get a name that ends in -il or -el. 

In the episode where Virgil told everyone his name, Patton said, "But that doesn't end in -on or -an." In the most confused manner possible. So, Thomas, obviously wanted to point out that out to us. The fact Virgil was different from the group. Point out he wasn't a light side.

That's why his name is different! Imagine if that was how we found out Virgil was a dark side! Deceit tells them his name, (probably Daniel or something like that) and they all just think, "Hey that rhymes with someone's name here," and they just all look at Virgil, who is avoiding eye contact, and just- Imagine the sadness! 

Sorry, but this is like the first theory I made, and I wanted to get out there, so I can say I called it if it happens!

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