Hanging out

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A week of Skyping Rem passed quickly, until it was Friday. The day Remy would be coming over. Patton rattled off the list of things they would do to Virgil as they waited. Patton and Virgil jumped when he heard the doorbell ring. Patton was the first to the door, swinging it open without checking to see who it was. Rem stood at the door, a thing of luggage rolling behind him.

"Hey, sugar." Rem greeted.

"Remy! It's so good to see you!" Patton bounced, wrapping his arms around the other. Rem laughed when Patton dug his face into his chest.

"Woah, okay. It's nice to see you too." Rem laughed, letting himself be dragged in. "Where's Prince and Teach?" He placed his luggage down.

"Work." Virgil grumbled.

"Bummer." Rem exaggeratedly fell onto the couch, taking a sip from his iced coffee.

"We can still hang out!" Patton shouted, before suddenly gasping. "We can bake cookies to celebrate Remy coming here!" 

"Patton, your the only one of us that knows how to cook." Virgil pointed out. "I don't want to burn the house down."

"You underestimate me, sweetheart. I work at a restaurant." Rem smiled, standing up. "And I could go for a couple cookies about right now." 

The trio wandered into the kitchen, Patton immediately turning on the oven. "Alright, we need dough!" He threw himself at the fridge, flinging it open. He grabbed a couple eggs, handing them to Virgil. They set out all the ingredients and made the batter, putting it onto a sheet to bake in the oven

"Let's eat the leftover dough." Patton pretended to whisper. "Don't tell Logan." 

"Patton, the dough has raw eggs in it. It could make us really sick." Virgil explained, going to place to bowl in the sink, only for Rem to pry the bowl away.

"Stop being such a wet blanket." Rem sighed, going to sit on the couch, grabbing three spoons to eat from. "It's only a little bit. And honestly, girl, you worry too much." 

Patton jumped to sit next to Remy and began scraping the sides for sweetness. Virgil eventually sat down next to them, took a spoon, and got a little bit of dough to eat.


"Very." The two scraping the bowl answered, resulting in a few chuckles.

The bowl was soon practically clean, so they put it up in the sink. 



"We can rewatch Steven Universe." Patton suggested.

"What's Steven Universe?" Remy asked, furrowing his brows.

Patton gasped loudly, a volume that would make Roman jealous. "You haven't seen the best show in existence!" Patton flipped out the remote, quickly selecting the options needed to get to the first episode of his favorite show.

"It's a cartoon about pastel alien gem women saving the world with a boy named Steven, who's half gem." Virgil rolled his eyes.


"You'll understand in a minute. It's pretty chill." 

Patton eventually got the episode to start, and the theme song started playing.

"We! Are the crystal gems! We'll always save the day!" Patton started to sing.

"Wow, sugar can sing." Rem let his sunglasses fall slightly.

"Oh! You haven't even heard Virgil! He's amazing!" Patton exclaimed, pulling on Virgil's sleeve.

"Oh really? Sugar pea, do you mind singing a little something for me?" Rem layed his head in his hands.

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