Make you love me

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Logan got up the next day, a plan in mind. He would act more friendly, more emotional, and less aggressive, like Patton. It couldn't be that hard.

He got up and changed into his one pastel blue and green long sleeved shirt, and resisted the urge to put on his tie. Logan walked out, catching the attention of Virgil, who was walking to the kitchen for breakfast. 

"Logan, why are you wearing that?" Virgil called out.

"I want Roman to love me, so I'm going to fake being more emotional." Logan smiled widely.

"Lo, you have to know that's a bad idea, Roman won't fall in love with you in a day, and then if  he fell in love with some fake version of you, you would have to fake it 'til your last day, do you want that?" The emo reasoned.

"I have to try, just, don't tell Roman." Logan pleaded.

"Fine, but if you try and fake it for a week, I'm stopping you." Virgil groaned.

"Noted," the teacher nodded, joining Virgil on his quest for adventure.

The two entered to find the two others covered in pancake batter, a stack of pancakes large enough for all of them sitting on the counter.

"What did you do?" Virgil cried out. Logan bit his tongue and tried not to scold the boys. Instead he walked forward, and took a bit of the slimy mix from the bowl, and threw it at Roman.

"Got you!" He smiled forcefully, laughing. 

"Woah, Logan's in a good mood today!" Roman laughed, wiping the batter from his chin, and sticking it in his mouth. 

"Hey, don't eat that! It has raw eggs!" Virgil cried out.

"Lighten up Virgil, you don't always have to be so uptight!" The words flooded out of Logan's mouth. Everyone stood shocked before the more cheerful two started bouncing up and down.

"I take it you woke up on the right side of bed this morning?" Patton cheered, placing a plate of pancakes in front of him.

"Nope," Logan said as sarcastically as he could, though, since he couldn't lie, he really did mean it. But the group brushed it off, not remembering the rule for a second. They all dug in to the sweet meal.

"So, Patton and I were thinking we should go to the park together!" Roman suggested.

"When will you guys be back?" Logan raised a brow, the smile becoming slightly more fake.

"He meant all of us, silly!" Patton giggled, drowning his plate in more syrup than was even close to healthy, then again, it was pure sugar. Syrup would never be healthy.

"Oh, that sounds wonderful!" Logan's smile became more real. At least he could hang out with Roman.

They went to the nearest park, a place filled with dogs and trees. Patton would run around with the dogs, asking their owners if he could pet them. Roman would stay with Patton and make sure the lad didn't try anything dumber than what Roman would do. And Virgil would stay under a tree, drifting in and out of reality, leaned up against Logan, while the teacher did a dramatic reading.

But today, Logan joined Patton, helping the boy get up to all sorts of shenanigans, hopefully earning points with both Roman and Patton. They hung from the trees upside down. Logan tried not to think about if they stayed like this for two long they could get brain damage, while talking to Roman. The three got down soon, and sat under the tree with Virgil. Logan kept smiling the entire time, causing his face to ache. Then the sun started to set.

"Well, it looks like it's time to go." Virgil announced, standing up and walking out of the shade.

"Virgil, wait a minute!" Patton shouted. "Follow me!" 

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