Fight or flight

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Why does writing Virgil scared make my pulse rush?

Virgil woke up to find Patton was wide awake, playing with his hair.

"Morning, sunshine!" The smaller chirped.

"I don't want to move." Virgil complained, digging the side of his face into a pillow.

"Alright. Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." Patton held the other closer.

"You should go eat. You have to be hungry." Virgil mumbled, staring Patton in the eyes.

"And you have to be hungry too. But we don't have to move from bed if you don't feel like it." Patton continued to flick the other's hair.

"You shouldn't coddle me because I was scared for you. I'm not a child." The taller explained.

"Verge, to be honest, I was scared for you too. I shouldn't have stayed out. And I like getting hugs from you. I'd love to spend all day with you." Patton pulled Virgil closer, planting a kiss on the other's head, dusting a hot pink on both their cheeks.

"Alright, dork. But we should probably go eat." The dark one sighed, pushing Patton away so he could stand up.

"Okey dokey! Just, if you need anything, all of us will always be there for you." The other stood up.

"I'm going to go get dressed. See you in a minute." The emo waved himself off, walking to his room.

There, in his room, was no one. Rem wasn't there. He must have gotten up earlier. So Virgil got dressed in his room, in jeans and a hoodie, before walking back out. 

"Morning Virgil." Logan greeted.

"Hey, Lo. How ya' doing?" The more anxious one sighed, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Good, you?" 

"As good as ever." 

"And do you know how the others are doing?" 

"Patton's the same as he always is. And I haven't seen drama 1 and 2 today." Virgil shook his head, finally noticing something was off. "Have you seen Rem this morning?" 

"I can't say that I have. Is he not in your room?" Logan raised a brow. 

"No." Virgil's eyes went wide. He tried to conceal his panick and walked to Roman's room, and banged on the door. "Roman!" 

"What do you want?" A very tired Roman groaned. 

"Is Rem in there?" 


"Okay." Virgil inhaled the air quickly, before letting it back out. His hands started to sweat and his stomach was yelling at him loudly.

He ran to check the other bedrooms and bathrooms, only to find them devoid of the sunglasses wearing dork. He was gone. At this point, Virgil could hear his pulse racing, his vision going blurry with tears as he ran to Logan.

"Give me it." Virgil tapped his finger against the air quickly.


"Your phone." Virgil practically tore the object from Logan's hands before typing in the password.

"Virgil, are you o-"

"No. Do I look okay? Rem's missing." 

"Calm down. Why do you need my phone?" 

"I know you. You put a tracker in his." Virgil finally got his soulmate's location. "Let's go." 

"Wait, Virgil. If someone broke in to get him, we should call the police." 

Virgil furrowed his brows before snapping, "No one broke in! He just left! Let's get out of here before he leaves that hotel!" 

"How do-"

"We're leaving now or I'm going on my own!" Virgil turned around and ran out the door. Logan sighed before following behind his more impulsive soulmate.

"Where are you two going?" Roman appeared with Patton next to him.

"Rem left, we're going after him!" Virgil shouted, jumping into the driver seat of the car.

Roman grabbed Virgil's hand. "Do you want him back?" 

"Yes!" Virgil shouted, glaring daggers.

Patton pulled Roman away, a pleasant smile on his face. "Then go get him, tiger. Get the coffee lover back." Virgil nodded, turning on the car.

Then he put the car in reverse and got out as quickly as possible. He needed to get there now. Logan was yelling at him to come back and let him come with, but Virgil needed to do this on his own. Rem was his soulmate, his problem. He shouldn't get the others involved.

So, he went on his way, driving absent mindedly. His thoughts distracted due to the adrenaline and the act of driving to focus on the reason Rem had left him. His mind was completely focused on the road.

All he knew was that he needed to get his soulmate back. And he was determined to do it. He chose to fight instead of fly today.

Little short. 

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