Travel time

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Sorry it's short, I just needed to get this character introduced before we could move on.

Oh my god. We have 1k reads on this and are #1 in lamp. I have no idea what to say. Thank you all so much!

Virgil left to go to the concert Elliot invited him to. He worried about Logan, but they all reassured him that Logan and everyone else, would be fine. 

"You need a break!" Patton protested.

"And your friend has free tickets, I would go if I were you." Roman insisted.

So, Virgil left on Friday, to go to the place the concert was being held, with Elliot. The two rented a car, a small blue one. Virgil drove it the first half of the way, then Elliot took over. The duo ended at the hotel, nearest the concert, and dropped all their luggage in their room. Virgil and Elliot went out to get some food.

Virgil drove to a nearby family restaurant, that seemed nice. They walked into the restaurant to find a small place with only a few tables, most of them empty, save for an old couple in the corner. It was warm and homely inside.

A man with sunglasses stood at the cash register, a smirk across his lips. Virgil walked up slowly to the man, still feeling more comfortable here than he would at a normal fast-food restaurant.

"Hey, girl. What would you and your date want? I have some roses in the back if you want to be cheesy." The man behind the counter whispered.

"We're not dating." Virgil said, rolling his eyes.

"Sure, honey." The smirk on the other's face grew larger.

"I'm in a relationship with my soulmates. I just wanted to order some food, valley girl."

"Sugar, was that supposed to be an insult? I'm Rem, by the way." The other chuckled. "Okay, now what do you want, black eye?" 

"I'll have a pulled pork and Elliot'll have a grilled chicken. And give us two cups of cola." Virgil ordered, rolling his eyes once again, handing over his credit card. Rem rang up the food, then handed Virgil back his card. The man in sunglasses crouched down and grabbed two cups, before giving them to the customers.

"Alright, sugar. Give me five minutes." Rem called out, as the two friends sat at the table.

"Do you two know each other?" Elliot asked.

"No, why?" 

"You talked like you do. You seem... Comfortable around him." They furrowed their eyebrows.

"We were just rude to eachother." Virgil stated.

"Yeah, but you do that around Roman." Elliot justified. "Do you think... He might be another one of your soulmates..." 

"Nope. He's not." The emo pulled out his phone, then went to text his soulmate's group chat.

"How do you know?" Elliot questioned.

"When you meet your soulmate it's like you instantly fall for them. You notice their main thing about them, and just... Stare in amazement.... Wow, I'm being so cliche." Virgil chuckled. 

"That's nice to know." Elliot stared at the ground. "What did you notice about your soulmates?" 

"Roman's self confidence, Patton's bright eyes, and how intelligent Logan is." Virgil shrugged, sending a text to the others, alerting them that he was fine.

"How intelligent Logan is?" Elliot smiled.

"He looks smart. And his first words to me were an essay on Edgar Allen Poe." The taller smiled at the fond memory.

"Order up!" Rem suddenly appeared, placing the food on the table. "Anything I can get for you, sugar?" 

"Nope. Bye." Virgil waved Rem off.

"Bye, b*tch." Rem waved back, running to behind the counter.

"Did he just-" Elliot cut themself off.

"Yeah." Virgil stared back at the brunette behind the counter.


"Okay." The two sat in silence as they ate. They finished rather quickly, cleaned up after themselves, and left.

"He's definitely not your soulmate." Elliot said, as the car started.

"I'll say." Virgil hummed, driving to their hotel.

The two rested for the night, and got ready for the concert.

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