A/N just a thought

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So, I was listening to some sad songs, as you do. Then I thought of this book, and all of the lyrics mashed with the idea of this book for a second, and I considered writing it. But then, I wouldn't be able to write the fluff I want to so, I'm just going to say my idea.

Okay, what if, I made all of Virgil's soulmates slowly leave him. Like, it starts with Logan, he has to go overseas for a new job as a scientist he got, and promised Virgil, once he got enough money, he would bring all of them there. So they start a long distance relationship, and they slowly start talking less and less, until they stop completely. Virgil hides his worry over Logan, when Roman subbedly gets a chance on broadway. Roman leaves, leaving just Patton and Virgil. They stay like that for a long time, when something happens to Patton, like a comma, and Virgil is left alone in a four bedroom apartment, with no one to share it with. 

A year passes, and Virgil is out, when he meets his fourth soulmate, Rem. Virgil brings Rem home, and they hang out, having fun for a couple months. All is better, until Rem just leaves, without a trace. His phone isn't even working enough to call it, he's changed his license, he moved out, he's just gone. And Virgil is alone again. Some time later, he finds out Logan has been in a car crash and has died. Patton is likely to never wake up again, and Roman is out living in all the glory. Virgil is alone, as he always will be, now and forever.

Is it okay to make yourself cry? God, this is the closest I will probably get to writing something really angsty. Sorry if I spoiled an of your moods that you had when reading this fluffy story. I could have turned this into a "Dear star boy" and you all would have been screaming at me for turning this work of cuteness into feels town. Oh well. If you want me to write something like this, let me know. I have plenty of sad ideas. Bye.

Edit: If you want to read something sad, go to my "sanders sides oneshots" book and look at the second chapter.

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