A new one to meet

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I am sorry I have no idea how Skype works and they do a lot of talking, so it probably will get confusing. Long chapter, the second half is just fluff.

Virgil got in the car, typing a text to his new soulmate.

"Hey. We're heading back home." Virgil texted.

"Can I visit you? Cause, I can nxt week." Rem responded immediately.

"Yes," Virgil replied.

"Cool, send ur address." 

Virgil complied, "How long you gonna stay?" 

"Next Friday to Thursday." Virgil wondered why he had such a long time off.


The two emos then drove in the car for another couple hours, switching drivers halfway through. Elliot dropped Virgil off at the front door of his house, then drove off, with a quick good-bye.

The one in purple walked to the front door and was about to open it, when he remembered something. He had other soulmates. Other soulmates who were very curious about everything. Other soulmates who had a right to know about another one of them. Virgil would have to talk about Rem. Dear god, this was going to be weird and awkward. 

Virgil was interrupted from his thoughts about how he could possibly break the news, when a very excitable man swung the door open. "Virgil" Patton shouted, running into his soulmate's arms.

"Pat, I was gone for two day. It wasn't that long." Virgil rolled his eyes. "You're acting like you haven't seen me in weeks," 

"It feels like years though!" The smaller shouted.

"Patton has been acting this way since you left." Logan said from inside. "Pat, let Virgil in, he probably doesn't want to stay in the cold."

"Alright." The brunette moaned, letting go of his boyfriend. "Oh, Virgil! We have to decorate!" Patton jumped up.

"For what?" The taller raised a brow.

"Christmas, silly!" Patton laughed, dragging Virgil inside and closing the door. Virgil finally realized why Rem had such a long time from work. Christmas was on Monday. 

"Oh." Virgil sighed, following Patton to the closet. He needed to tell them all about Rem.

"So, what happened during your trip?" Roman called out, picking up a box.

"I went to the concert," Virgil started, "And I met another soulmate." Roman dropped the box that held the Christmas tree.

"What!" They all shouted, eyes wide.

"I met another one of our soulmates." Virgil sighed, crossing his arms.

"I- how? We're all in our late twenties, how could we have not of known for so long?" Roman gasped.

"I knew." Virgil admitted, not having control over those words. "I knew that there was going to be someone else." 

"And you decided to admit this now?" Logan raised a brow, walking over to the others.

"I just felt like- like there should be someone else there." Virgil growled, furrowing his brows. "It never came up until now." 

"Well, who is he?" Patton asked, a smile gracing his lips excitedly, and slowly grew.

"His name's Rem." Virgil claimed. "He works at a restaurant in the town the concert was being held." 

"I wanna meet him!" Patton jumped up, a large smile across his lips.

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