A Lost boy found

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Warning: Cursing, but it's censored, still a more cursing than usual. And yelling. Lots of yelling. And definitely some dark thoughts. Self-esteem issues out the wazoo.

Rem woke up to someone banging loudly on his hotel room door. Without thinking, he got up and opened it, to find his soulmate on the other side.

"Virgil?" Rem gasped, attempting to closer the door, but the taller held it open. 

"Rem, what in the world are you doing?" The emo came in, closing the door behind him. 

The dull brunette tried to stay silent, only to be bested by the soulmate bond. "Running away."

He begged the universe for Virgil to just leave right then. But Rem had decided that there was no god a second later, when Virgil balled his hands into fist.

"Why, the f*ck, would you do that?" Virgil snapped, before pulling back. He took a deep breath before asking much quieter, "Is it because you hate me?" 

"No. I don't hate you, sweetheart. I just- I realized you don't need me." Rem pushed his sunglasses on, adverting his gaze.

"What?" Virgil practically shouted.

"You don't need me. I'm not "important to your happiness" and you aren't to mine. We've both been happy before any of this soulmate bullsh*t started happening! We aren't needed for happiness." The man in sunglasses explained.

Virgil didn't need him. Rem was a waste of space. And they could both be happy without the other. Rem didn't need Virgil either.

"So?" Virgil furrowed his brows, gesturing with his hands. "What does it matter? I'm not important to their happiness, but they still keep me around. Logan, Roman, Patton, I don't matter. But, I don't just get up one day and say, "I feel like giving everyone who gives a sh*t about me a heart attack!" What were you thinking?" 

No one "gave a sh*t about him." Virgil was just here because that's what you were supposed to do. Virgil was going to give up in a minute, go home, and celebrate with the others. Just like Rem would with his friends! No, that's a lie. It'd take a week to get over this, then Rem would be perfectly happy, hopefully.

Rem hated the fact the bond made him answer, "So, why keep me around? Why keep me around if I'm not going to make you happy? If I'm never going to make you smile like you do around them? I just wanted out before all of you dumped me on the curb."

"Because I'm in love with you! That's how soulmates work!" Virgil pulled his hands through his hair.

"Well, I'm not in love with you!" Rem shouted back, regretting it as soon as he said it.

"What?" Virgil glared at the other.

Maybe Virgil wasn't just here to say that he tried. But he would definitely leave after Rem confessed that he didn't love his one and only soulmate. Virgil would hate him and leave him.

"I'm not in love with you. I should have felt something for you by now. But, I haven't felt a thing! I haven't had the same feelings towards you as I have P-" Rem cut himself off, looking to the ground. "Other people I've dated. I don't feel anything for you." Silence hung heavy on them, until Virgil broke it.

"You've got to be kidding me." Virgil ran his hand over his face, before sighing and shouting, "Rem, that's not how soulmates working, you f*cking idiot! I didn't just look at Patton and go, "I would die and suffer in hell for all eternity for you!" It took me ten years to fall in love with any of them! And now you expect to go love-crazy in a week? This isn't a high school movie!" 

"I fell in love with Patton in a week!" Rem shouted back. "If I fall for someone else faster than my soulmate, then something's wrong."

How could some normal person fall in love with someone other than their soulmate faster than they did for the person they were destined to be with? 

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