Breaking in

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Sorry this took me so long. I was having a writing block, but I have the rest of the story planned out so this shouldn't happen again.

Rem woke up to the smell of French toast, grabbing his sunglasses to shield his sensitive eyes from the small bit of morning light that Virgil allowed in his room. The coffee lover put on his sunglasses before standing up. "Verge, you 'wake?" 

"Yes." The other groaned, digging his face into the pillow more.

"Patton made French toast, I think." Rem tried to lure Virgil out of bed.

"Tired." The emo complained.

"Fine, see ya' when you decide to move." Rem rolled his eyes, walking out to see all of the others huddled around a table, still in their pajamas.

"Rem, you're up! Where's Virgil?" Patton called out.

"In bed. Verge is not a morning person." The coffee drinker sighed, pulling a chair out.

"Give him five minutes, he'll be alive by then." Logan played with his fork.

"Yeah anyway, Rem, here's your French Toast." Patton nearly dropped the plate of sugary bread on the table.

"Thanks." Rem said, taking a bite of the food, continuing to eat as the others chattered amongst themselves.

"Did you know that we all are made of particles left over from dead stars? We're all made of star dust!" Logan's eyes were big and bright like they always were when he talked about anything.

"What if that's why we're soulmates? We were all a part of the same star!" Roman's eyes lit up in a similar fashion to Logan's.

"Unlikely explanation considering not all of us are connected to eachother." Logan shrugged. "But I do enjoy the idea of us all being soulmates because our particles were close to eachother when the Big Bang happened." 

Patton suddenly gasped loudly, "Roman, you are a star, technically!" 

"My god Patton, you're right." Roman did a dramatic move, placing his hand to his chest. "I, Roman, am made of stardust." 

"What are you nerds talking about?" Virgil appeared.

"Verge, here's your food!" Patton placed a plate similar to Rem's, which was mostly eaten. "Did you know we're all made of stardust?" 

"Yeah, it's everywhere on tumblr." Virgil rolled his eyes playfully. "People use it for inspirational post or aesthetics." 

"That's so cool!" Patton nearly shouted. 

They were all so upbeat and loud. Even Logan and Virgil liked to hear themselves talk. But Rem felt a little out of place amongst the others. He wordlessly got up and got some coffee before settling back to his spot.

The group continued chatting until Patton suddenly stopped. And everyone noticed this. Patton was the main person talking, so the volume dropped dramatically. This in turn made everyone stop talking and stare at Patton. 

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Rem raised a brow.

"I just realized I forgot to get all of your presents." Patton cried out. "I need to go get the supplies!" He stood up and ran to get his shoes on.

"Patton!" Logan shouted. "You're still in your pajamas." The teacher rolled his eyes at Patton's sleep pants that were covered in pictures of puppies and cats.


"Get dressed, let's all go out." Roman suggested.

"No!" Patton yelled back. "I want to suprise all of you and if you ask me about it on accident it won't be a suprise."

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