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I am so sorry I took so long to get this out.

Warning: More self-doubt and dark thoughts, though not as many as in the last chapter, because they aren't screaming their insecurities at eachother.

About two hours later, they both got in their cars, and headed back home. Once they got there, Patton was already waiting in the driveway, along with Roman and Logan.

When Rem got out of the car, he was tackled by Patton, ending  in the two landing in the snow, laughing. Roman followed the other two by dramatically falling next to them. Logan chuckled, before getting to check Virgil. 

He raised an eyebrow, and Virgil smiled lopsidedly, a cheerful glint in his eyes. Everything was okay. And everything will be okay. That was always comforting to know. 

But Logan continued to press, glaring then nodding his head towards Rem in a sign of aggression. Virgil's smile fell, and he shook his head softly, before the grin reappeared. No yelling at Rem then.

Virgil must have had a reason, he was the second most logical of the group. So, if Virgil said Rem didn't need to be scolded, Rem didn't need to be scolded. But after all that happened? Virgil must have already screamed at him to think Rem didn't deserve more.

"Get up, dorks, before you get hypothermia." The emo rolled his eyes, walking to the doorway. 

"Who are you calling "dorks"?" Roman stood up, crossing his arms. 

"You, Rem, and Patton. Logan's one too, but he's not rolling in the snow in a hoodie, is he?" Virgil cocked an eyebrow, walking inside.

"Yeah. Point taken." Roman grumbled, holding the door open for the others.

They all took off their snow covered jackets and hoodies, throwing them in a pile, before going to lay on the couch. They sat for a while, watching movies, until it was around eight thirty, then Logan forced them all to get up and go to sleep. 

Right before Rem could go into Virgil's room, where he would sleep, while Virgil slept with Patton, the smallest of the group stopped him.

"Wait, Remy, I wanted to tell you something." Patton called out.

"What is it, sugar?" Rem smiled playfully. He missed looking at Patton, even if he was just gone for a day. Looking at Patton, Rem knew he would regret leaving even if Virgil hadn't come for him.

"I- Virgil told me about what you think of yourself. I asked him, he had to say it, don't blame him. I just wanted to say that, I'm always here. I will always be there for you. No matter what." Patton grabbed the taller's hand, pulling it close. "We can get through this together. You don't only have Virgil, you have me, Logan, and Roman, all at your side. I don't care what time it is, what day it is, if anything is bothering you, you come to us. And when you head back to your home, you message us everyday, or Virgil will think you're dead and drive all the way up there, and we're coming with him this time. Just- know we're here for you. I'm rooting for you, kiddo." 

God, what had he done to deserve such a caring person in his life.

"I'll remember that. Thanks, Pat. Talk to you later, girl." Rem waved, walking into the dim room, and getting under the covers. After placing his sunglasses on the bedside table, he dug his head into a pillow, and tried to sleep. 

But he found himself thinking about the two people of his affection. Virgil and Patton were curled up together, going to sleep. And suddenly the black cover draped over Rem wasn't as warm. 

Why did he come back? Virgil may have believed the things he said, but they weren't true. They weren't just going to accept him. They would never see him like they saw eachother. Rem was an absolute waste of space. What talent did he have? Patton and Virgil were caring and kind, Roman was adventurous and ready to fight, and Logan was the smartest. What did Rem have? The sassiest? Honestly, Rem was just a waste of space and he should just d-

Patton had just told him not to think like that. Virgil loved him, for some stupid reason, and Rem was pretty sure Patton did too, but did they really want him a-

Rem scolded himself again for thinking like that, then got up and thought about what he wanted to do. He paced the floor, thinking of his options.

First, was to sit here and just try not to think about anything, and go to sleep. The not thinking part was easier said than done. 

Second option, was to play on his phone and not pay attention to his thoughts. He needed sleep, though, so that was off the table. 

Third one, was to distract himself with something that could help him fall asleep. Something to lull him to sleep. Something that would help rid him of his insecurities. Something soft that would ground him.

Cuddles. He wanted cuddles. 

But, everyone else was probably asleep. But Patton had said that he could come to them at any time. But what if-

Rem cut his thoughts off, Patton had said its okay, so he was going to do it. He walked out of Virgil's room, to Patton's, and raised his hand to knock on the door, only for his thoughts to interrupt him. 

What if it's not okay? What if they just want to sleep together? What if he's annoying them? What if t-

"Rem?" This time Virgil interrupted his thoughts. "It's midnight, what are you doing up?" 

"I couldn't sleep. It's really annoying." Rem admitted. "Why are you awake?"

"Someone's pacing woke us up." Virgil smiled lightly when Rem finally noticed he had in fact been walking back and forth when he was thinking. "What's up?" 

"Girl, it's no-" the bond made him answer honestly, "I'm thinking like I was earlier."

Virgil's eyes went wide, before settling back to the way they usually are. "Do you want to stay with us?" 

"Yeah. Is that okay?" Rem stared down at the floor.

"Of course, it's okay, Remy!" Patton shouted, suddenly appearing in the doorway. "We'll always be here for you!" 

Just seeing Patton immediately brought some comfort to Rem. 

"Come on, my bed has enough room for all of us." Patton skipped over, falling into the soft mattress. Rem trailed behind Virgil, very slowly, the two ending up standing awkwardly on the side of the bed, hoping that maybe the other would make the first move. Patton solved this problem by dragging both of them down to the bed, setting Rem in the middle. Virgil hesitantly wrapped his arms around the other. 

"Rem, I have to give you a Pat on the back for coming to us." Patton giggled, spooning the coffee lover.




Both of the others groaned in realization that that was a pun. The smaller laughed in victory, digging his head into Rem's strawberry blonde hair. And they stayed that way for the rest of the night. Rem in between the two people he loved, holding onto Virgil like he was a life line, safe in both of their arms. Completely safe. Completely fine. Completely loved by both of them.

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