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Here's some fluff and characters to make up for last chapter.

Patton was ecstatic, he was head over heels in love, and his soulmates all loved him back. He would later call this day, "One of the best days of my life". He couldn't sleep that night, just smiled and listened to sappy love songs. He bounced as he made eggs on toast.

"Patton, you look like you're going to break the floor if you bounce any more forcefully." Logan called out, walking to the coffee machine.

"I'm just so happy that you, Virgil, and Roman are all my boyfriends. It's so amazing!" Patton cemented it with kissing Logan on a cheek, turning the usually put together male into a blushing, stuttering mush.

This was nice, at least Logan had Patton and Virgil. And Roman, Roman would still be friends with him, they would still talk about the plot holes in shows late at night when they both couldn't sleep. But, Logan couldn't focus on that, he had to hurry up and eat so he could get to the school early and set up a lesson. Patton handed him his lunch on the way out and waved goodbye, "Don't scold the kids too badly."

Roman and Virgil got up around the same time. "Logan left already?" The one with darker hair asked, sitting down at the table.

"Yep. I made eggs and toast!" Patton beamed, placing a plate in front of each of them.

"Yes! You're awesome!"

"Thanks, Pat."

"It's just eggs and toast." Patton laughed.

"We've never learned to cook, you know." Roman reminded him.

"I'll have to teach one of you." The one in glasses chuckled, taking his seat next to Roman. "Probably you, Virgil, since you're here a lot more than the other two."

"Don't leave him here to cook. He'll burn the apartment down." Roman giggled, earning a kick from Virgil.

"Shut up!"

"Kids, no fighting." Patton scolded jokingly.

"Well, I have to go, see you both when I get home." Roman got up and put his empty plate in the sink.

"Bye, Ro."

"See ya, honey!"

And with that it was just Patton and Virgil. The two finished their food, and Virgil put both the plates up. "So, Virgil, I was wondering..."


"Can I come with you to your work?" Patton nearly shouted.

"As long as you don't try and take one of them home like last time, sure." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The brunette jumped up and ran over to the emo, wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders before pressing a kiss to his lips. It was quick and sweet, and Virgil got the chance to lean in before Patton pulled away, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"We have to go now then," Virgil explained, tugging on a jacket, an amused smile stuck on his face. Patton put his cardigan on, for once and raced in front of Virgil, out of their apartment, to the elevator, then the freezing cold outside. "Patton, slow down!" The emo shouted, running to meet Patton. "Okay, stop running, I can't go that fast."

"Okay..." Patton grumbled, taking Virgil's hand in his. Anxeity flinched like he had been burned, before trying to relax. They walked to the pet shop, hand in hand, Patton swung their arms as they paced the sidewalk.

Once they got there, Patton jumped ahead and ran to the door. He flung it open, scaring the person behind the desk. Their hair was black and he wore a grey jacket with black stripes. Virgil quickly ran up and held Patton from running farther into the store with puppies.

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