He loves you, but he loves me not

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Roman had just finished with some scripts, when someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He shouted, stacking the papers back together.

"Logan." The one on the other side greeted.

"Come in." Roman said, shoving the papers into a drawer so Logan wouldn't see them and tear apart any attempt at logic to explain magic. The one in glasses opened the door and closed it without taking his eyes off Roman, a notebook clutched in his hands. "What's up, mister roboto?" Roman smirked at the man's cheeks being dusted with a light pink, hardly noticeable if you weren't looking for it.

"I have a few questions I want to ask you as a survey." Logan explained.

"Alright, shoot." The actor raised his eyebrows, moving his legs into a more comfortable position.

"Shoot what?" The teacher asked, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, at the foot of the bed.

"Logic, I meant go ahead." The man in red chuckled at the dork, making the other's cheeks go a shade darker.

"Yes, I know. I was testing you." Logan lied, moving to the side of the bed and sitting closer to Roman. 

"Whatever, nerd. So, what is it?" The actor smiled slyly.

"What are your feelings for Patton?" Logan held his notes so Roman couldn't see.

"Well, I love him. Is this a trick question?" Roman furrowed his brows.

"Nope, elaborate." Logan seemed unamused.

"He's my world, I can't imagine a life without him. He is the Juliet to my Romeo." Roman did his signature sassy pose.

"As I suspected, now what do you feel he could improve?" The teacher asked, causing Roman to jump.

"I guess... He's a little childish, and can't stay serious for more than five seconds, but that's part of his charm. I don't think he could improve." Roman smiled like a love sick puppy. After Logan wrote down a couple things, he looked back up.

"Now, Virgil. How do you feel about Virgil?" Logan scribbled on the paper for a second.

"Virgil... Virgil is an emo nightmare. I honestly wonder sometimes how he's my other soulmate." Roman's smile faltered.

"Falsehood," Logan sighed, "Please be as honest as possible when answering these questions. Even if you think I may not like your answer."

"I am!" Roman protested.

"You answered partially. And you know exactly why he's your soulmate, to anchor all of us, but keep emotions in balance. He's the mediator. Though I am something similar. He's a personality between mine and Patton, but a complete opposite to you, similar to the dinamic between mine and Patton. Opposites attract, but they need something to connect to eachother. Patton and I bond over our love of hot drinks and TV shows, such as Sherlock. We all have things in common, but we're all different, and that's what makes us, great soulmates." Logan explained, staring at the page as if that was written on there, even though it wasn't. 

"But we're not... Soulmates I mean. Have you figured out why we aren't soulmates?" Roman frowned, and Logan didn't like seeing that face.

"No, it is unusual. It could be the fact we are so different, and we don't bond well. We don't have any activities we share together, unlike the rest of us. Patton and I enjoy sweets and crime shows, Virgil and I love conspiracy theories and have debates, while you and I have nothing in common. It could also be the fact we don't clash well, we argue too much. We're too defensive." Logan rambled, a distant look in his eyes as he stared at the sheets, avoiding all eye contact. "Anyway, let's get back on the topic at hand. How do you actually feel for Virgil?" Logan reassembled himself, taking the pen he kept in his shirt pocket into his hand.

"I- He's nice when he wants to be. He has the classic bad boy thing to him, if you don't look close enough. He's secretive, even if he can't lie to me. I love how he is quiet some of the time, and loud the rest. He's a firecracker. And amazing, despite him saying otherwise." Roman had the same look in his eyes he had when he was talking about Patton. Then paused for a second, "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to say that. Don't worry, I'm not going to take him away from you. I don't like him like that." Roman rubbed the back of his neck, adverting his gaze.

"I wouldn't mind. If you both liked eachother and Virgil wanted to be with you, and leave me, I would be fine with it." Logan droned on. 

"Falsehood." Roman called out.

"Pardon me?" The awestruck man dropped his pen into his lap.

"Please, I know love when I see it. You love Virgil as much as I love Patton. I would never leave Patton, by the way. And it would tear you apart for Virgil to leave. And you would suffer quietly because that's what we all would do. It's how we all are." Roman pointed out. Logan wondered how Roman knew him so well, before going back to the paper he had.

"Well, now, you already answered the next question. So, how do you feel about me?" Logan asked, trying not to show the hope in his voice, writing down the information.

"You're an absolute nerd, a dork to a T. It's like you walked out of an 80's TV show. You're more cliche than me! It's actually impressive, how much of a geek you are. You are like, the biggest loser I've met." Roman laughed, sending a playful smile Logan's way. Logan didn't return it.

"Well, that concludes our survey. Thank you." Logan pulled himself up and walked to the door.

"Wait, Lo!" Roman called out.

"Yes, Prince?" Logan turned around on one foot.

"What was the survey for?" The taller asked.

"I wanted to try and conduct a survey on how the soulmate connection influences relationships, even if one is not romantic." Logan answer, stepping out of the room. That seemed to satisfy Roman. Logan did this type of thing a lot, so it seemed normal. 

Logan reached his room and closed the door, the notebook held close to his chest. He placed the  black leather bound book on his desk, and sat down in his seat. He opened the book back to the place where he left off. The note read:

"Roman's feelings

Patton: His Juliet, his world, his everything, charming, childish, playful." A heart was drawn next to the words.

"Virgil: Dark and mysterious, nice, firecracker, classic bad boy, secretive, amazing." Logan recalled the famous phrase, "all girls love bad boys" as he stared at the heart.

Next, and certainly least was Logan, the notes were a lot messier than the others. 

"Logan: nerd, dork, cliche, geek, loser, not Roman's soulmate." There was no heart near the word Logan, and never, would be. The teacher wondered why he had any hope. Logan wasn't Roman's soulmate, despite his crush, Roman had been Virgil and Patton's soulmate, because they were destined to be. Logan felt a hot liquid running down his face, so he took off his glasses to wipe the tears that were soaking his face. 

The teacher picked up the notebook and threw it to the ground, loose papers went everywhere, messing up Logan's perfect room, but right now he didn't care, he just wanted to never think about that again. He went to bed and didn't get up when Patton asked him to come to dinner.

Don't worry, it gets better.

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