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This was so hard to write because I just don't ship Prinxiety, and I can't see the appeal in it. Maybe that's just because I like the two dork trope better than opposites attract trope. I don't know, but this is probably terrible because of it. Sorry. Also the reason I was putting it off.

Also, slight warning: dark thoughts

Virgil sat on the suitcase that was standing in the corner, scrolling through tumblr, when Roman walked over.

"So, Virgil..." Roman dragged out.

"What?" The other raised a brow.

"Since, we're dating now, I was thinking..." He waited for his boyfriend to finish the sentence.


"We should go on a date!" The smile on Roman's face was brighter than Patton's everyday one.

"Sure, where?" 

"Well, you know that cafe?" 

"The one where we met Logan?" Virgil guessed.

"No," Roman protested. "I wanted to go to the cafe that just opened up." 

"Okay." Virgil hummed. Roman ran to the door and got his coat.

"Alright, let's go."

"Now?" Virgil asked.

"Yes, my dark rose, since we have nothing else to do." Roman rolled his eyes. 

"Dark rose, I thought you were creative with pet names?" Virgil's cheeks were stained a light pink as he stood up.

"I am, hot topic." Roman retorted.

"Whatever, I just want to get some coffee." Virgil sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, nerd."

The two made jabs at eachother as they walked to the cafe. The people on the streets gave them weird looks as they walked the pavement, making Virgil uncomfortable, but Roman didn't notice it, too focused on Virgil. 

They entered the baby blue building, which was relatively empty, except for a few people in the booths. Roman marched up to the cash register, Virgil trailing behind, his head low. 

"Hello, what would you two like to eat today?" The lady behind the counter questioned, a polite smile across her pretty lips.

"Hello, me and Virgil would like two milkshakes, one carmel vanilla, and one chocolate strawberry. Can we get a piece of pecan pie too?" Roman requested.

"Of course, here's your number, come here when it's called." The blonde explained, handing Virgil, who was the closest to her left, a piece of paper with a large twenty-two on it. Roman paid the woman, before taking Virgil's hand.

"Thank you." Roman replied, dragging Virgil to one of the tables, that was high off the ground. The emo nearly dive bombed into the nearest booth. "What's wrong?"

"Everyone will be able to see us up there." Virgil explained, glaring at the tall seats.

"Fine, anti-social angel." Roman sighed, sitting across from Virgil. 

Virgil took out his phone, then remembered this was supposed to be a date. People were supposed to look and talk to eachother on dates, right? Virgil had no clue, Logan and him never went on dates, but he had heard that was how they were supposed to work, so he put his phone in his pocket and started to rack his brain for ideas to talk about, when Roman started talking.

"So, Virgil, since you work at a pet shop, what's your favorite dog breed?" Roman started.

"It's between shibes and pomerainians." Virgil stated.

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