Black eyes

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I am a simple peasant who has no idea how concerts work, so this won't be accurate.

Also, something I noticed while listening to Troye Sivan, "Make you love me" and "Lost boy" sound like they are two people who are singing about eachother. Just thought that was interesting.

Elliot and Virgil got to the concert early, but they found out, their seats were far away from eachother, about on the other side of the building. So they had to split ways, after promising to text eachother if something happened. It would have been fine if a brunette, that Virgil knew, wasn't sitting next to him. But the annoying cashier apparently had the seat next to him.

"Oh, it's Mr. Emo." Rem laughed, falling into his seat. "Where's your date?" 

"Long story, but they have got a seat over on the other side of the building." Virgil hummed in annoyance.

"Oh, girl, I'm so sorry you can't be emo with your Elliot." Rem cooed, sincerity in his voice.

"Elliot's not my date. I found my soulmates already." Virgil sighed, then flinched at his own words.

"Soulmates, huh. Wow, the cute one always are lucky. Are they as adorable as you?" Rem smiled, curious.

"Uh, yeah. I- They all look better than me." Virgil curled in on himself slightly, but he felt, more comfortable in this conversation than he would with someone else, for some strange reason.

"Girl! That is probably not possible! If what you say is true, I must see them!" Rem shouted, then flinched back, then ignored whatever scarred him.

Virgil grabbed his phone, and pulled out his photo gallery, going to his favorite picture. It was a picture from a year ago, taken at a park. Patton was in his cat hoodie, eyes still as bright as when they were kids. Logan sat to Patton's right, a pleasant smile across his lips, as he looked up from a book. Roman sat like he normally did, like he was the greatest man on earth and deserved everything. Rem raised a brow at Virgil.

"Sweetie, you look a little bit better than them." Rem stated, eyebrows going up, for some reason.

"Look at Patton." Virgil said, pointing to the man in a grey hoodie.

"I saw him, and decided you, girl, are better." 

"What about me is better than any of them? Logan's calm and calculated, Roman's bold and courageous, and Patton's the most happy man on earth. What do I have against them, being cynical and depressing?" Virgil said a bit louder than he was a minute ago.

"Woah, calm your horses, sugar. You need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're cute, that's all I meant." The restaurant worker held his hands up in defense. 

"Sorry." Virgil apologized, shoulders going up.

"It's fine," Rem replied. 

Then the concert started, most of the noises were Brendon's voice, as people became more quiet. Though, it wasn't much, because most of them were thirteen year old girls. An hour went by, and Virgil regretted all of it. 

The music wasn't clear, he had already heard all the songs before, and it would have been nicer to just listen to the music in his own house, without the other noises. He regretted all of it. Except for one thing, Rem. He was, interesting. Loud and prideful like Roman, sassy like Logan, and clingy, not as much as Patton, but still, clingy. He was a mix of all of his soulmates traits, but acted completely different from any of them. They had gotten out of the building, and were standing by Elliot's car. Virgil texted Elliot, but apparently the other got stuck in the crowd, so they would have to wait.

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