22| Accident Always Happens

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"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?!" Kaori yelled to no one in particular.

<<recap end>>

Haruka's room was in mess like a burglar had been there before them. Kaori panicked while Fernando looks so pissed, "Who dares to lay their filthy finger on my love's belongings?? They shall be perished." He said darkly.

"Pshh! Don't imitate my sister you moron!! Just look around and we might find a clue who dares to do this kind of thing!" Kaori said

"For once, You're right! I'm gonna check over there, you'll check here." Fernando said as he pointed his finger to bathroom.

Kaori nods, calling the receptionist to tell them about the situation beforehand, and starts searching for a clue.

Kaori searches through the upside down looking room. And found Haruka's luggage. Inside of it was a words written in Japanese with she assumed to be a mate red lipstick, that says "Don't you dare mess with me, bitch."

This gives Kaori goosebumps. What the heck is going on here?!

While on the other side, On the bathroom, Fernando looks at the mirror in front of him,












thinking how handsome he is...

But when he walked away from the big mirror and turns to looks at the upper side of the mirror, there was hanging a torn apart lingerie and words in France that saying, "I'm going to get you, my little kitten. With thus, we shall be never apart! I'm going to make sure of it!!"

Fernando looks closer to it and smell those words that craved to the mirror by some red liquid, then suddenly he pulled back. That letter was written with blood, he's not sure but he thinks it's not written in animal blood since the smell of it is a little different from animal blood. Don't get him wrong, sometimes he got punished by his brother to make a fish fillet, and the other meat based food from the start, so he usually smells the fragrance of animals blood, thanks to his sadistic brother.

He cringed and thought, This is bad.

On the other hand.... let's see how's Kojiro doing...

Kojiro said all of the scenario that leads their break up to Gin. Gin looks deep in though, thinking how troublesome is this situation. He sighs. He did not know either what advises should he give to Shinomiya Kojiro in his state right now. He pat Kojiro's back, "Impatience only bring you misfortune, so let's just wait for her to made up her mind." He finally found a words to say to him.

Shokugeki no soma! [Shinomiya Kojiro x OC/ Haruka] ~~~ His SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now