11| 200 Servings Completed, Next Task Complete

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Cooking is art itself. It's something that shines more brightly as you hone it. From now on, I'll show you all a marvelous world.

-Alice Nakiri as a child-

Haruka's POV

The other mentors and I was in the head security room, seeing all the contestants were busy to prepare their servings from the screen. After 2 hours finished, Gin announced from the microphone that the test may begin with the sound of doors opening the buffet room. All the competitors was trying to make the people go to their own stall to eat their servings. Takumi, Ryo, Erina, and even Megumi was doing well for attracting customers to their stall, but unfortunately Soma's and Alice's stall didn't seem to have customers.

I look at their servings plate, I realized that Alice has something on her sleeves while Soma didn't since all of his serving didn't last long and most of customers more interested with Erina's serving.

I waited while it was only 30 minutes left until the time ended, Erina, Alice, Takumi, Ryo, Megumi already finished 200 servings except Nakiris who were more than 200 servings. Soma's stall was starting to get some customers and more and more.

Considering the limited time, he sure knows how to make up for his mistakes.

In the end, he managed to complete 200 servings. It was no surprise for me since he makes the magic works with his performance attracting customers.

I was starting to make my way to leave the room before Mizuhara calls me, "Hey, where are you going?!"

I smirk evily and say, "To slay the remaining survivors from before." I closed the door behind me and started to walk to the room which will be hell of the day.

------------at the room full of survivors------------
I make my way to the front and faced the students who passed and say, "I must say, Congratulations for all of you who were standing in this room that you passed the earlier 200 servings task. Now, I wanted you to make your own dish that contains this flowers ( citrus blossom, clover, daisies, dandelions, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lavender, lilac, mums, nasturtium, pansies, roses, sunflowers and violets)! You could make some appetizers or desserts that contains this flowers as flavors of your own dish. Oh! I almost forgot! This is individual task so you aren't allowed to help others. Saa~~~(Now) Let's begin the test!"

------(I'm gonna skip the process into the overall judging since I was too lazy to write down their flavors and texture like in SnS XP)------

The student who passed: Yukihira Soma with his unique creations of appetizer from his idea by stealing my tea powder, Todokoro Megumi (dessert), Takumi Aldini and Isami Aldini(dessert), Kurokiba Ryo (appetizer), Nakiri Alice (dessert), Nakiri Erina and her assistant (Appetizers), polar dorms residents [a/n: too many names makes me dizzy nya~], Niku girl, and others student who passed, total : 497 students passed and 483 students dropped out after the task.

[a/n : I know that actually 628 students remained and 352 students dropped out from the programs but I changed it into another amount, so maybe there will be more plot twist in this chapter.... um, well it was already plot twists anyway. Back to the story~ Nya~]

"Congratulations for passing my task~ Now you could have 20 minutes to have a break, after that, all of you who passed need to go to the lobby. That's all I have to say. Dismissed." I said as the other students who passed make their way out while the other who aren't stayed in the room because they wanted to have some last memories by begging me to selfie with them. Well I guess it couldn't be helped. After they took selfie the bowed at me with tears on their eyes.

Shokugeki no soma! [Shinomiya Kojiro x OC/ Haruka] ~~~ His SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now