30| Twisted Ending

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Written on 1st December 2019

Word counts: 3590
Author note: I realize that the manga has gone so far from what I've last read so I'm going to make it end in my way (.. yadda yada... please forgive this author for her laziness nya~). Laziness is like fungus after all~. And...Thank you for supporting this story till the end dear readers :).


P.s. happy ending chapter would be updated later which everybody get their own happy ending :).
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
This chapter may contains disturbing image and please remember this is the twisted end so there's going to be nasty scene 🤢.

Third's PoV
Haruka come out from her car, it's already 2 a.m., she walked to the internet cafes in front of her while wearing her coat.

She stepped inside and found the person is sipping his coffee while listening to the headphones. He was wearing casual clothes but it didn't make him look bad, it makes him more handsome instead yet his dangerous aura couldn't be hidden from the sight. She walked to his table and sat down in front of him.

He seems to notice her and put off his headphones and staring at her with expressionless look, "So, what makes you, the great Ichinose Haruka came looking for the nonexistent me?"

Haruka stares at him, unimpressed, "I want to ask you some questions regarding someone."

He looks at her with calculated look on his faces, then he smiles eerily... making Haruka got uncomfortable by his eerie smiles, "I see...." then he sipped his coffee and stares at her like a predator, "What's in it for me?"

Haruka smirks darkly at him, pulling out folders from her bag, shoves them in front of him, and says, "Nothing, because I got many evidences already about you and what have you done to my family. I could easily make you disappear with these."

The man didn't show any changes in expression, in fact, he looks amused by her, "I see.... family huh? But I don't think a family would go for each other throat." He said while laughing eerily, making Haruka narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Time skip to two days after Haruka met with that person.

———[Third's PoV]———
Irritation and betrayal feeling washed over black haired her whose got in much scandal lately. She sighed and rest her back to the comfy office black chair.

Her grey eyes looked at the picture of her family that she placed on the desk. They are all smiling so happily, she felt her heart broke just thinking about it. What had gone wrong?

There's knock on the door. The secretary reads her schedule for today before she handed her magazines that has her faces on it.

She cursed under her breath. Shit.

Quarrel Between Ichinose Sister Revealed!
TokyoProphet—Monday. It turns out that the Ichinose sisters is not as close as they seemed to be. The sisters seems they are civil and friendly to each other but the truth is that the known Rose beauty, Haruka Ichinose seems to harass and abuse the poor little sister, Kaori Ichinose because of legendary word called jealousy .

Our witness said that they are arguing over one and only, one of the most handsome and most wanted bachelor in Tokyo, current CEO of Luthier Group Company— Rei Luthier Tokugawa.

Shokugeki no soma! [Shinomiya Kojiro x OC/ Haruka] ~~~ His SoulmateWhere stories live. Discover now