His Wife?!

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I opened the door, and saw commander Erwin he greets me with a "good morning ma'am We'd like to speak with you, I agreed as I let him in the cabin." what a beautiful cabin you lived at. Are you alone? " he asked," ah no sir, I'm living with my little brother" I said with a bright smile, "oh... Well I must say your cleaning is good too" he compliments again, what's with commander today is their suppose to be an event or something?, "well thank you commander!..... By the way what do want to speak with me?" I curiously asked, he sat down on the couch and said "well you see ma'am captain Levi was looking for a wife, he says it's part of their tradition" he said I looked at him with shock as I gave him his tea, "but sir why did you Come here to tell me that?" I asked confused, "because your the one that he chose to be his wife" he said, my mind went blank and said "WHAT?! HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ME THAT WELL!!" I shouted, he said "he knows you long enough, he's been passing this cabin for ages and always sees you clean properly, and take care of your brother very well" he said with a smile, what the heck is this captain Levi a stalker or something this is weird I'm getting freaked out now!, "we'll be picking you 2 up tomorrow morning so pack your things cause your moving in with your future husband" he said giggling
Ok I really hate this now but moving in with that stalker is a problem he might be planning to kill me and my brother or tricking me, as my negativity scatters through my mind commander suddenly said, "by the way you might need to obey captain Levi cause he gets really pissed fast" he warned me, are you serious?!? He's a stalker, clean freak and even sensitive jeez I hate him already, "OK commander I'll be sure to obey Him well as possible" I said with a mad look.

Morning ended, and night begins there I was laying on the bed thinking about tomorrow, jeez I feel like I don't want to go move in with a stranger I don't know yet, and besides I have a brother to take care of their's no more room for another one for me to take care of!!, ughhh... I wish if I moved in with him I'll be treated well. Wait what am I saying? I just talked about how I hate him now this?!? Wow I'm pissed already I don't know why he chose me to be his wife, I mean their are some other women out there who are far much better than me y'know,*knock knock* a knock on the door was heard, I opened the door and saw my little brother carrying a pillow saying, "sis can I sleep with you? I had the same dream again" my brother said as he yawns, "sure Nathan ill be happy to sleep with you" I said, he must be dreaming about mother's death again, its been awhile now since she died I miss her so much Its my fault that I never treated her as a daughter to mother I wish I could return those sins that I made in the past, and I hope she can forgive me for what I've done.

I wish my stupid future husband will not be treated like that as I did to my mother, I promise I'll treasure him most so I don't need to worry about being alone ever again, and I also wish that he isn't a jerk to me when I moved in, I mean it will be a waste if I was the wrong women that he chose a long time ago. Well it's time to sleep we've got a long way ahead of us tomorrow, I tucked my brother in sheets and hugged him tight so he wouldn't dream about mother again unlike last time. Well GoodNight

{End Of The episode}

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