His Proposal

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Levi's pov
I was doing my papers, then a knock on the door was heard. "um....sir hanji told me to give you these" the cadet said trembling in fear, what is he trembling for? Did he read the papers?. I grabbed the papers then told the code to leave politely, before he was about to leave he mumbled something I can't understand, "what was that cadet?" I asked curiously,he ignored me then closed the door. 'seriously what's the big deal?' I asked myself I read the papers saying that my uncle Kenny will be visiting us tomorrow. I froze there not moving a bit, this is bad if he finds out I'm getting married he'll find her in no time then forced her to be his wife of course I also did force her but I make her love me right? So theirs no problem. I won't let that happen, I quickly finished my papers then ran outside my door, Kenny you bastard if your here to steal my wife again ill be sure you'll never find her.

5 years ago (Flashback) *warning* please don't be mad at Levi's wife 5 years ago, besides uncle Kenny took her right? So there's nothing to worry
Levi's pov
I found the perfect wife in my squad and she is beautiful as ever, she always smile at me and always looked at me, she always took care of me whenever I'm in pain, or injured her name was Mina
~One day~
I was about to propose to her when my uncle Kenny visited, "hello Levi long time no see, so where's your wife?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "oh she's over there by the table with my squad" I told him, he ran to her then started to flirt with her. I ran to stop him but he proposed that she should be his wife, I'm too late I told Petra that "don't listen Petra I'm yiyr husband so--" I was roughly push my Kenny's gang (actually I don't really know if Kenny has a gang, well part of the story so yeah) they took Mina then ran, I never found her.
Until one year.....
"mina are you OK?" I asked worriedly
Mina came back with children holding her, "oh hello Levi, I never thought of you missing me already" she said I asked her about the children and she answered "they are me and Kenny's children" she smiled as Kenny put his arm around her shoulder, I stood there in anger of what Kenny did I never forgive him that day.
(end of Flashback)

Levi's Pov (obviously)
I rushly ran through the halls to get to my girlfriends room but as I see she wasn't there, I looked in the bathroom (Levi you pervert, but she is his future wife or girlfriend) he ask himer brother and said "Onee-Chan is cleaning the rooms downstairs including your office" he smiled then eats his breakfast that (Your Name) cooked for her, ugh...Dammit! I ran downstairs and saw her cleaning my office I pulled her hand then said "hey....you need to hide yourself tomorrow okay?" i said with a sad face scared that i would lose another wife again. "why darling is something wrong?" she asked worriedly she cupped my face then i hold her hand crying, she hugged me tightly "everything's gonna be fine....ok? I'll hide tomorrow for you if that's what you want" she said, I nodded as I kissed her forehead.

I better propose to her fast or Kenny will get her next I just need help from erwin and hanji.

In the dining area, me and my squad including hanji and erwin are talking about how can I propose to her properly, "so do you have any idea how can I propose to her four eyes?" I asked with my Arms and legs crossed, she thinks as she rubs her chin looking at everyone for concentration. She suddenly snaps her finger then stands up pulling my collar "I HAVE AN IDEA!!" she shouted, jeez can she just say it properly and not shout it in my face.

A few min later....
I quietly went upstairs to check on my girlfriend to propose to her, I tiptoed to the hall then to her room, as I got in I never knew shgr would be this cute while sleeping. "sheesh......i don't know why I should do this but here I go" I said to myself "mm..." she mumbled, I prepared the ring then pulled out a bouquet of roses. I woke her up slowly then she sit up straight asking "what is it darling, are you not sleepy yet?" she rubbed her eyes, when she opened her eyes she saw the roses and me kneeling down on the bed, she was confused "um.....darling?" she called "why are you kneeling on the floor?" she asked "my beloved girlfriend, I have so much fun hanging out with you and the way we ride on the horse together, I really wanted that to happen. I wish we can spent many times so I'm here to tell you that....." I told her, she smiled as she took the roses I gave her then stands up I front of me,"WILL YOU MARRY ME?" I asked while I took out the tiny box with the ring, I looked at her then saw tears streaming down her face. "Y-Yes....YES!" she shouted while she hugged me tightly, I break the hug then start to put the ring on her finger, "I love you..." I told her she nodded then kissed me passionately. I kissed back then smiled at each other happily "I love you too Levi" she replied I cried as I cupped her cheek.

Finally I already proposed, I never knew it would be this easy. All of those practice that I was doing was all nothing she just needed a simple proposal. "do you want to sleep together?" I asked blushing she nodded she kissed my cheek with all her love, I pushed her to the bed then we laughed we kissed until we fall asleep lips still touched together, I'd never imagine happiness this good oh mother, father, thank you for taking care of me and giving me the love of my life which I will be spend eternity with.

The next morning....
"hey darling I made you breakfast...."she smiles as I woke up rubbing my eye." thanks darling I'll eat after I put on my proper clothes"I told her "wait you have paper work to do?" she asked sadly. Oh dammit she's sad again....well I guess I can stay with her a bit long I mean it's not like they'll get the papers that early, "i do... But....i want to stay with you for awhile first" I smiled as I lift out her hand then kissed it, she has such lovely fragrance. "but darling isn't your paper work important?" she asked I hold her chin then kissed her, "don't worry ill do it once I have time" I told her. She smiled then hugs me I hugged back, suddenly there was a knock on the door "come in" said my fiance the cadet came in then said "Mr. Kenny is here to see you captain Levi" said the cadet, I nodded then told my wife to stay in the room "I'll be back just wait for me" I said she nodded then sat on the bed.

I went downstairs and saw Kenny waiting at the dining area, he noticed me then starts to walk towards me "ah Levi it's been awhile since you have no wife yet....or you'll never get one" he laughed as he said that to me, I was mad but I didn't panic this time because I already propose to her. "now where's your wife?" he asked I stand brave and told him "I don't know" he smirked then said "I'll look for her then" he ran upstairs to check every room I tried to stop him but it's too late he found my fiance then walked in "why hello there young lady, you looked beautiful what's your name?" he asked, seriously flirting again I have enough I must stop him but his gang might beat me up its up to you (Your Name).

"my name is (Your Name) and who are you?" she asked politely, he smirked then hold her hand "I'm Kenny Levi's uncle and I'm here to take you as my wife" he said while holding her hand. I panicked but my fiance started to speak "I'm sorry but I'm getting married after days, and plus I'm not even Inlove with you I love Levi no matter what he's always there for me. I would never betray Levi" she told him straight I was shocked of what she said then start to cry, he go mad then starts to carry her with him I wanted to save her but his gang was holding me. My fiance suddenly bit his shoulder dropping my fiance on the ground, she was not hurt because I know she was brave she then kicked his balls if you know what I mean then throw him on the stair railings where his ankle was broken min. Later I was proud of my wife for not betraying me like mina I never liked her attitude anyway.

My fiance hugged me with all her might, "don't ever invite an uncle like him in our future" she said I blushed then nodded. "I must say what a strong woman you are" I complemented her she laughed then said "duh....your humanity's strongest of course I wouldn't just stand there just to be saved by you, I wanted to be like you so we can be humanity's strongest family even our child" she said then smiled I cried as I hugged her tightly then kissed her passionately, she cupped my cheek then said "I'll be sure that nothing will break our wedding darling" she said I smiled at her that kissed her again.

Thank you for being my future wife I wish we can have a great time when we are a complete family now can't wait for the future.

Although I'm still worried about what the cadet mumbled in my office yesterday...

'We are all gonna die soon'

Authors note:
Hello everyone since I haven't been posting in awhile I started to make this chapter a little longer and by the way don't worry this isn't the end yet we still have a lot of chapters to finish so please read them also if you want to read my other stories it's just right here.
>Cinderella is a gangster
>Mystic messenger x reader OneShots

Number of words: 1807

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