The Dream II

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Levi's pov
I was just doing my paper work when the cadets said, "SIR (YOUR NAME) HAS ESCAPED!!" they said(it's so funny that it said "your name escaped" lol) I stood up then told them to get the horses and find them, I change into my survey Corp uniform then went to the stables to grab my horse. This is bad, where the fuck did she go this time?! Ugh...shes just making me more stress, I ride on the horse then wait for my squad.
A few hours later....
"sir were here!" erd shouted, I nodded then swing my hand as a signal of go. In the forest titans were nowhere to be found, this is weird why isn't their any titans I mean this is a forest....maybe this had something to do with my ex fiance(SORRY IF YOUR PISSED) I looked around to see if they were near the titans, but no they weren't. "captain!" gunter shouted "look a cabin!" I looked at where he was pointing. I gasp quietly when I saw, her packing her stuff in the window. That brat, I said I'd cancel the wedding but I never said that you'll go home all by yourself!, I ran my horse faster to her cabin then stopped, one of the cadets knocked on the answer, my other cadets guard the back door and in my surprise (your name) and Nathan did went to the back door, the cadet called us then I started to walked to her but she tries to struggle, she ran when I was about to talk to her. "dammit! Catch her now!" I commanded "Levi I think we should let her go,besides you did kick her out right?" hanji said, I nodded then tears starts to fall on my face, I did kick her out and I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to her to let her understand properly, tch shit! That's it I'm going after her whether she likes it or not!

I ride on my horse then ran to her as fast as I could, my squad followed. And so as the others, "You want to avoid me ey?, well I'll catch you, you brat!" I said to myself, "captain, I can see them!" said Auruo i stopped and told them to form a circle around them so they can't escape. She was about to get up when she holds her ankle, huh....cant escape now you shitty brat, we stopped then get off our horses hanji and erwin walked towards her then hold her ankle "sweetie are you OK?!" hanji asked worried, she nodded as she looked at me then looked away "I'm fine" she answered, I hold her hand then said "why did you escaped ha brat?!" I asked, "it's none of your business you idiot" she replied I pulled her hand then told her "I'm the captain, so you have to obey me OK?!" she looked at me madly then stand up. "didn't you kicked me out?" she asked, I nodded with my head looking down "don't follow me or my brother, dead or alive we don't need help" she said as she and her brother walked away, "hey Levi you OK?" erwin asked "yes" I replied "let's move out for now" I walked to my horse then pulled its leash, "jeez erwin, I'd never see Levi this depressed in my life..." hanji said looking at erwin "I know, we'll find a way....dont worry" erwin replied.

We all went back to the castle/building, "I guess I lost another wife again.....i wanted to treasure her, but I'm scared that i might kill her" I said to myself. I went to my office to finish my papers, *knock knock* "come in" I said to the cadet "sir......its me eren, I brought your tea" eren said carrying a tray of tea, I nodded as I said "bring it here" I told him he puts the tray in my desk then looked at me sadly "what is it brat?!" I asked, "SIR what's wrong?" he asked finishing my tea "nothing brat, just leave" I told him "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong sir..." he said "tch fine, I kicked my fiance out of the castle" I said, "and why sir?" he asked "I dreamed about her dying because of me, I wanted to break up so I can't kill her" I replied "SIR, that was just a doesn't happen in real life" he said. I looked at him then looked at the box where the ring was, "your right eren, thank you" I told him smiling, "your welcome sir" he said as he leaves my office.

Your pov
As I clenched my other hand while the other, is holding my brother tears starts to stream down my face. Am I mad or.....sad?,i don't know what feeling is this but whatever it is I should avoid it, we went back to our cabin then passed through the back door "Onee-Chan?" my brother called "are you okay?" Nathan asked with his worried face, I giggled then replied with a "yeah I'm fine!" I ended up giving him a fake smile, it was quiet for a minute when Nathan broke the silence "Onee-Chan I'll be sleeping first..." he said as he go upstairs I nodded with a smile. Well it's time to cook, let's see....what should I prepare for Nathan...?, while I was thinking I grabbed the pan and the spoon, then a light was lighted in my head aha! I have the perfect dish for him, I started cooking as fast as I could. A few hours later Nathan got down then stared at the food I made him, "Onee-Chan, what's that smell??" he asked as his nose moved, I chuckled then told him "it's your favorite ramen", I prepared his plate and his water then pulled the chair for him as he gets closer to the table. "bòn appetite, nathan" I said smiling lively, he thanked me then said "itadakimasu" as he eats I giggled softly, Its been so long since I see him eat his favorite he looked at me with a full mouth then gave me a thumbs up for giving his ramen some effort,i winked back then went outside to get fresh air. *inhale* hah it's been awhile since I smelled this air(weird but part of the story) I sat on the grass then layed on my back "hm.. I remember me and Levi used to lay down together when he's on his break" I said to myself, minutes later....i heard a horse coming this way, huh? What's making that noise at this hour? I stand up quickly to investigate what that noise was, I peeked through the trees then saw Levi. What the...what the crap is he doing here?! I tried to run back but "oi brat" Levi called "trying to escape me ey?" he comes closer, I froze there trying to escape his gaze,I need to get inside or I might--

Levi suddenly grabs my hand then kissed my forehead. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" I shouted, he covered my mouth as he holds my hips tightly pulling me to a tree where Nathan cannot see us, he let's go then faced me "OK Levi what brings you here?" I asked with my arms crossed and my foot tapping the ground, he puts his other hand around his neck then looks away, "ever since you told me that you don't need help....i wanted to see you" he said blushing. I giggled with my hand covering my mouth "idiot" I told him "look I didn't mean that, I just said that so you could avoid me for kicking me out" I told him, Levi suddenly mumbled something I can't hear or understand "hey did you say something?" I asked "so that was it..."he said to himself then hugs me tightly I blushed red then started to push him, but he's too strong I don't have the strength to do it,"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kicked you sorry" he said, I felt sorry for him so I hugged back, I closed my eyes as I feel his warmth "hey....its OK...i don't really mind not living there" I said to him, he let's go then slowly kisses me I but my index finger in his lips then said "let's not first hehe..." i smiled then pulled him inside, "hey sorry if our place is a bit dirty, it's been days since I haven't clean this area" I said, he nodded then walked towards me. He lifts up my hand then kneels down "(your name) will you be my fiance again?" he proposed, I covered my mouth then tears starts falling on my face "I-I don't know.....maybe you might trick me again" I said looking away blushing, he stands up then holds my chin facing his, he gently kisses me then said "I promise I won't" he smiles "then..." I said "it's a yes..." he carried me spinning in circled happily laughing, he finally puts me down then kisses me. "would you stay here for awhile?" I asked blushing hard, he kissed me as he smiled "of course darling" he replied I hugged him while jumping, then started to carry me to me and my brothers room. We layed on each other's sides then place our arms around each other's hips we finally slept then snored.


Authors note:
Hello everyone I'm sorry I didn't make this chapter a bit long since I'm in a middle of a game and this is all I got for now so if you want to suggest other chapters leave them in the comments
If you want to read my other storied that I made I'll leave them here, although I didn't finish them yet so yeah
> Cinderella is a gangster
> mystic messenger x reader OneShots
That's all guys hope you enjoy and have a happy day/afternoon/night


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