The Potion

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Your pov
The next morning I went to our room to check on Levi, as I walked up the stairs carrying chicken soup

I saw Levi struggling to grab his medicine on his bedside table, I rushly ran to him leaving his chicken soup on the stair railings,"levi let me help you with that" I said as I tucked him back in bed then, gave him the medicine, "thank you darling" he said then drank his medicine(drank or ate I don't really know) I sat down in the side of his feet then touched his forehead. Wow he's hot like a volcanos lava, he wasn't this hot before, (but he's hot with no shirt haha...get it?) I ran to the bathroom to fill his water then placed the towel on his head, "jeez Levi since when did you get this hot?" I asked, he just smiled then fell asleep

OK theirs something fishy, about him he never answers my questions even though he's that sick, this is pissing me off. I'll bring him to the doctor tomorrow to make sure if he's feeling well or is it much serious, I just stared at Levi looking like a fool not minding Nathan playing with Auruo, aw crap I forgot that I need to give Nathan and Auruo lunch, what a pity of me. I stood up then went downstairs to chef on the food that is left, hm I guess theirs only mushrooms and sweet potato, oh yeah we also have other vegetables in the basement, before I get the food I went to check on Nathan, I looked around to see if they were near here I walked deep into the woods to see Auruo talking to that damn petra with Nathan holding his hand, i walked to them in boss mode then snatched Nathan away "what do you think your doing here? I didn't send you to take care of my brother" I said as i gave petra a straight look, "relax I'm just here to check on Levi" she said, huh? Why does she have to check on him? Is she the one who made Levi sick? OH NO! I should sneak if she has something to do with this

Stupid petra making my fiance sick in this season, I'll make sure you'll never see him or talk to him, wow to be honest I'm kinda acting like Levi now or is this Jealousy? Meh,i don't really care, I told Nathan and Auruo to styy her while I cook for them "alright Missy but be careful" he said I nodded then gave him a thumbs up, OK I just need to grab the vegetables then head upstairs

A few min later...
I finished bringing the vegetables to the refrigerator, then started going upstairs, OK petra what is your evil doing this time? I peeked a little then saw her trying to kiss my darling, oh hell no she's not. I stood up then called her damn name "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I sat beside Levi then carried him on my back, "What the?!, how can you carry him?!!?" she asked with a shock face, hah beat that how's the feeling of humanity's strongest's fiance stronger than his cadets, "oh this?, I have exercise everyday" i said "EVEN THO YOUR PREGNANT?!" she shouted, oh yeah forgot about that, I should really put him down or my water will broke, I placed him on the other bed so I can't let petra touch him, and besides he's Hella sick, "look pleb if you dare get between me and my fiance's relationship, I'll make you titan food" I said as I punched my hand, she fell on the floor then nodded scared.

"no wonder Levi chose you, you act like him" she said, wait what? Who the heck are you talking to a stranger?! Of course we're the same om his fiance you pleb!, "yeah so what?" I said crossing my arms, yeah I think I need to go to the doctor too I have Levi problems, "I'll destroy yuoyr family if it takes me years to do it, I'll be back (your name)" she said as she jumped out the window to her horse, I looked down and see that she didn't land where the horse was, she crashed her butt on the ground, "wow I don't know if your a cadet or not!" I shouted she was pissed that she ride on her horse then ran to the forest until I can't see her again

Ugh, finally I she can leave us alone or right I still need to cook lunch for Nathan and auruo, I rushly went to the kitchen then prepare the utensils on the table, I grabbed the cook book then the pot. After a few hours or so, I placed the mushroom stew on the table, I called Nathan and auruo to come and eat then grabbed a bowl of stew to bring it to levi, "auruo can you  stay the night here and take care of Nathan because I need to take care of Levi" I said he agreed then answered with an "OK ma'am thanks for letting me stay" he said(I know auruo is being kind in this story but I just can't help myself please don't hate its just a fanfiction) I smiled then went upstairs I walked slowly to Levi's bed to place his bowl of stew in his bedside table, "mm" levi mumbled "oh sorry darling did I wake you up?" I asked he looked at me with one eye, while he rubbed the other one, he looks around then looked at me with a shocked face, "WTH-WHERE AM I?!" he shouted "come down darling it's me, your fiance here I brought you--" "Oi!" he called "what do you think I am sick?" he said with a cold tone

Huh? That's kinda weird I swear that Levi doesn't act like this except to his cadets, "uhm...are you OK Levi?" I asked "do you think I'm OK? Brat?!, who are you and why did you bring me here" he asked holding his head "u-um....y-you were sick and I brought you here" I answered "dammit!" he cursed "where's my woman" he asked "darling she's right in front of you" I replied he slapped the bowl away making it break, "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!? MY WOMAN IS PETRA NOTHING MORE!" he shouted madly. I never saw this side of Levi, and what? Petra....his woman?!?! Oooohhhh that little b***h is gonna taste my fist once I saw her, "look Levi your misunderstanding this this isn't you, I'm your fiance" I said, he stood up still holding his head then grabbed his stuff, "WHA- darling don't go, your still sic--" "don't touch me!! And who are you calling darling huh brat?!" he shouted again, it really hurts when he says those words but the doesn't mean I'll never make memories with him, he promised me that and I won't break it

I tried to pull Levi but he seems to snatched it away, I'm scared that I'll loose him, not this time I'll never give up, "Levi please can you just listen?!" I said "no! Your a stranger that I don't know and I don't think I can trust you" he replied, "s-s-stranger?" I said a few years suddenly fall on my eyes, what's this feeling? I've never felt this hurt before I mean titans eating my only mother hurts too, but this hurts more than I imagined. Be strong, be strong ignore his words it's just making you loose him more, don't go....

(In your mind)

I'll spend my years for eternity with you, you got that darling?

Im the father so I have the responsibility to take care of my or our child

I'll take care of this family no matter what

Be strong and never give up

"I love you"

(end of her past with levi)

I cried as I still remember the sweet and strong words that came out of his mouth, I won't let you go I promise I'll always fight if it even cost my life for it, I let go of levis hand then told him "why don't you sleep here first? Then you can leave tomorrow morning how's that?" he looked at me then said "alright, I'll stay....but don't do anything else while I'm asleep OK?" he said I nodded then went upstairs, don't worry Levi I'll come back for you, I just need help from hanji and erwin. I will save you Levi hang in there I rubbed my belly then smiled "you'll be helping me too little guy"


Hello there author here and I'm sorry for not posting any chapters these few days I've been busy and exhausted at the same time, I'm really sorry for making you wait so ill be making a special chapter so yeah
And if you want to read other stories that I made ill leave them here
>Cinderella is a gangster
>mystic messenger x reader OneShots
>Lost But Not Gone [Kody x Lumine] Lemon
Thats all for today I'll see you at the next one and be sure to add this to your library to be notified baii

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