Love Rivals

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Petra's pov
HI I'm petra, on of captain levi's squad soldiers and I always have a strange feeling everytime I'm with captain. I keep on controlling it to stop, but a few months later I realized that I'm in love with captain, I always get really shy around him and I always volunteer to bring his papers to his office so I can see him, "hey captain here's your papers" I said smiling he nodded then said "thank you petra, you may leave now" I saluted captain then leave,on the hallway I kept thinking of him I really want confess but I'm still not ready. I tried to let him notice how much I loved him, but I always end up in a friendzone I tried to escape it but it was too late.

days have passed, and I'm just sitting here in my room practicing how to confess to captain. OK petra ral you can do this, you just have to confess properly I'm sure he'll accept it right? I looked in the morror then said to myself "*sigh* what am I doing?, I'm supposed to be focusing on my duties as a survey Corp" I stand up then looked at the window, I sighed again then the door suddenly slammed open. "PETRA I HAVE GREAT NEWS" gunter shouted, "what is it?" I asked with a big smile, he pulled me in a quiet place where no one can find us "so you know captain Levi" he said I nodded as I smiled bigger "he has a new wife coming today" he said, my smile turned into a frown, "wth-what?" I said gunter nodded in excitement then walks away patting my shoulder. I can't believe it.....captain's getting married again, Im too late I guess it's a good thing I didn't confess, it'll be awkward for his wife and for him haha....but I don't care if he gets married, I just have to keep my feelings locked up being in captain levi's squad is more than enough for me, at least I can always see him with delivering his papers or fighting titans together, I'm not just happy for me but happy for Levi, now that he found the one he loved I'll stick with that.

Your pov
*yawns* what a pleasant morning, oh yeah I forgot to make make breakfast, what time is it. I looked to my side and remembered that me and Levi slept together in the same bed, I giggled then suddenly Levi pulled me into a morning kiss I sit up then covered my mouth blushing "good morning brat" he said while smirking "g-g-good m-morning too" I said, I get off bed then told him "I'll make breakfast you just do whatever you want" I went downstairs then go to the kitchen, oh I forgot to wash the dishes awww.....i guess breakfast has to wait "hey brat" Levi called "let me help you" I turned around and Levi was really close to my face, I pushed him slowly then said "alright then, you wash the dishes and I'll cook breakfast" I winked then gave him a thumbs up, he kissed me forehead then nodded with a pink blush on his face, hehe....he's so cute when he blushed ill never forget that. 1 hour later I finished the food then Levi finished the dishes we then helped each other prepare the table for Nathan, "hey darling" I called he looked at me "I made you tea, cause I know how much you love your tea I also put your favorite flavor" I said then smiled he hugged me then thanked me I hugged back then said "your welcome" I suddenly heard footsteps coming down, we break the hug then saw Nathan rubbing his eye still half asleep, I told Levi to enjoy breakfast as I go for walk outside. He nodded then took a sip of his tea, Nathan sat down beside him confused "Onee-Chan" he called "why is you ex fiance here?" he asked, I covered his mouth then said "I'm sorry darling, it's just that he doesn't know how to speak properly" I smiled in awkwardness he chuckled then cupped my cheek, "it's OK...." he smirked then let's go of my cheek leaving me blushing red as blood. I went outside then closed the door quickly before he notice my blushing, *pant* *pant* holy crap I didn't know he could be that cute upclose well I already know but much more cuter in the morning, I walked around the forest to see if theirs anything I interesting I can find.

While I was walking I saw a Soldier with blonde or orange hair? I guess I hid by the tree then saw Levi's squad looking for him calling his name out loud. Oh no...did Levi sneaked out without asking permission?! OK I better get back before they caught me, I ran through the woods and I forgot that I made a big noise causing them to follow me, I ran as fast as I could to reach the cabin I slammed the door open and shut, panting "whdsts wrong?" Levi asked as he walked towards me "I'm fine, it's just that I spotted your squad looking for you" I told him his eyes wide opened "Levi is their something wrong?" I asked worriedly he tries to step backwards then tripped on a loose wood plank, I should really fix that. I crouched on his level then cupped his face with my two hands "Levi tell me what's wrong" I asked again, he holds my hips then hugs me trembling "please don't let them catch me" he said "huh? But why?" I asked "I want to stay with you, I want to live here with you" he said I felt tears on my dress, I rubbed his back then but my lips on his hair smelling it what a beautiful fragrance I let go then kissed him "don't be sacred you just have to tell them the truth" I said smiling, he smiled back then nodded "you always make me calm, I'm happy that I met you my fiance" he smirked then kissed me, he went outside to see his squad waiting at the door, oh I guess they did caught me hehe....

"what are you doing here?" Levi asked, "SIR we looked for you everywhere, hanji and commander were looking for you" Auruo said they get off their horses then pulled my fiance away from me "what are you doing to my  fiance?!" I shouted they bring out a knife then point it in her neck "SIR I'm sorry but, she's a monster" petra said "wth-what do you mean?!?" Levi shouted "sir she's a titan shifter, hanji checked her DNA then found out that she's one of the titan shifters" petra said she looked at me then said "I guess your wedding is over" she smirked then Levi suddenly pulled me on his side "look, I don't care if she's a titan shifter, she's still me fiance so if you please can you leave us alone" Levi commanded them "but sir--" petra was stopped "I love her and that's all" Levi said madly. Petra and the others left without a word, Levi looked at me then asked "is it true?" I looked away then nodded "well I don't care, I still love you and that's that" he said I cried in his arms then hugged him, never ever had accepted me as a titan shifter or happy to find a fiance like Levi I loved him too. I cried more with happiness "THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING ME!" I shouted he hugs me tighter then said "your welcome" he let's go of the hug then kissed me with passion, "we better head inside now or else Nathan will be mad at us" I told him  he chuckled then said "alright brat" he puts his arms around my hips like most couples do then walked inside. As we got in Nathan was nowhere to be seen, we found a note that said "we got Nathan, if you done want to come to the castle his life will be in hell, - petra and her squads" I dropped the paper then saw the back door opened I guess they stuck in while me and Levi were having a lovely time, "THOSE BASTARDS I'LL KILL THEM!" I shouted he hold my hand then "don't worry we'll find him, calm down" he said I calmed myself then hold his hand tighter I nodded to him saying "alright then, let's go get my brother" I said he pulled into a hug then said,"we must have a plan first darling" I giggled then said "okok, I forgot" he let's go of me then went upetairs to draw a plan I followed him.

Petra's pov
Your such a b**ch (your name) you think you can get away happily with my Levi? Well guess what NO. I loved Levi with all my heart, when all you do is fight with him don't you see that he suffers as our leader and that's how you treat him?! Well it's a game  now future ackerman I'll destroy your future even when it costs my life.


Authors note:
Hello sorry if this is not as long as you expected but if you guys want more I'll make them everyday or so but I promise I'll make it quick
And if you want to read my other stories that I made ill leave them here
>Cinderella is gangster
>mystic messenger x Reader OneShots
That's all for today have a great day/afternoon/night

Number of words:1627

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